Did you get a printed manual with your new computer? A good
manual will have instructions and troubleshooting tips.
If you don't have a manual you might want to buy a basic
book such as,
I have seen it on the shelf at Wal-Mart or you can get it
on-line from any bookseller.
message | Thank you for all the help, but can you explain what this
| means to a person not with a strong computer
| background. "well first you need to make sure the
| BIOS is set-up to boot from the CD Drive first, before
| the IDE, otherwise you'll keep getting this problem"
| >-----Original Message-----
| >To reinstall/repair, well first you need to make sure
| the
| >BIOS is set-up to boot from the CD Drive first, before
| >the IDE, otherwise you'll keep getting this problem.
| Then
| >make sure to have the original Windows Disk is in the
| >hard drive upon starting the computer.
| >Upon starting the computer, you will get a screen, it'll
| >say "to boot from CD press any key....." [or something
| >like that], then just press any keyboard key when this
| >appears and then it'll just load software etc for a few
| >minutes [be sure to keep an eye on the screen though].
| >Once it's done loading the software etc, you should have
| >3 choices. 1 to install Windows XP, 2 Windows Recovery
| >Console, 3 something else I can't remember.
| >Choose 1 to install Windows XP [you'll then need to
| Agree
| >to the license etc]. It'll then scan your system, and
| >chances are it will recognise the current installation
| >that already exists on the machine. If that does happen,
| >well you could choose to try and repair the current
| >installation, or you can still decide to do a fresh
| >install of Windows. Personally, I would probably try and
| >go with the Repair option first, since this won't
| >necessarily delete anything other than system files that
| >it may need to copy over from the disk. If you choose to
| >do a fresh install, then it will delete
| >anything/everything on the partition/drive that you
| >choose to install it on.
| >
| >
| >>-----Original Message-----
| >>I have tried the option of Last Known Good
| >>Configuration and Safe Mode with Command Prompt, but
| >when
| >>I do this the screen goes black, and then gives me the
| >>same screen with the same options. How would you then
| >>reinstall windows?
| >>>-----Original Message-----
| >>>If Windows won't load, at all, use the "Last Known
| Good
| >>>Configuration" option. If it does not load using that
| >>>option, chances are you may need to reinstall Windows
| >>>and/or Repair the installation. You could try writing
| a
| >>>new MBR to the hard drive, but there's no guarantee
| >>>that'll work as you may still get the same problem.
| >>>Posting some system specs may be helpful though.
| >>>
| >>>
| >>>>-----Original Message-----
| >>>>Hello, I am in great need of help. Windows will not
| >>>load
| >>>>because it says their was an error while shutting
| >>down.
| >>>>Gives me these options to choose from: safe mode, run
| >>>>normally, and run from last good configuration.
| After
| >>I
| >>>>choose one, it looks like it will finally load, but
| >>then
| >>>>it comes back to the screen with the options. What
| do
| >>I
| >>>>do.
| >>>>.
| >>>>
| >>>.
| >>>
| >>.
| >>
| >.
| >