HELP - Windows Installed as of 1/8/06 treats me like a new user

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Windows Installer as of 1/8/06 seems to now be treating me as a new user.
When I now log on as I would do normally WI will not allow me access to MS
Office Applications (keeps giving error messages about the need to re-install
for this user) , my EMail (Thunderbird) Application is now empty and asking
to be set-up as new, my Browser (Firefox) has returned to its newly installed
format (no extensions or formats), I cannot use my back-up of Open Office
which has also reverted to its newly installed format and wants to register
itself etc etc.

It seems to me (and I am no computer hardware or software exoert) like
Windows Installer has "forgotten" who I am and what I have set-up and
normally have access to?

I have tried going back and forth to a variety of restore points but WI
still sees me as a new user - with no established preferences?

Try creating a new user,then open xp in new,if all runs as it should the
old account is corrupted,delete..
laopa said:
Windows Installer as of 1/8/06 seems to now be treating me as a new user.
When I now log on as I would do normally WI will not allow me access to MS
Office Applications (keeps giving error messages about the need to re-install
for this user) , my EMail (Thunderbird) Application is now empty and asking
to be set-up as new, my Browser (Firefox) has returned to its newly installed
format (no extensions or formats), I cannot use my back-up of Open Office
which has also reverted to its newly installed format and wants to register
itself etc etc.

It seems to me (and I am no computer hardware or software exoert) like
Windows Installer has "forgotten" who I am and what I have set-up and
normally have access to?

I have tried going back and forth to a variety of restore points but WI
still sees me as a new user - with no established preferences?


Good to see Andrew A is giving answers that are as meaningless or
non-undertandable as the question.

If you would like to post a quaestion that makes some sense you may get an
answer that also makes sense. Are you referring to a Windows installation
you have changed, repair installed, clean installed on a seperate drive to
your documents, clean installed by mistake (and hence wiped out all your
documents etc?) or something else? I for one cannot make out what you did on
1/8/06 and therfore what you are asking.
laopa said:
Windows Installer as of 1/8/06 seems to now be treating me as a new user.
When I now log on as I would do normally WI will not allow me access to MS
Office Applications (keeps giving error messages about the need to re-install
for this user) , my EMail (Thunderbird) Application is now empty and asking
to be set-up as new, my Browser (Firefox) has returned to its newly installed
format (no extensions or formats), I cannot use my back-up of Open Office
which has also reverted to its newly installed format and wants to register
itself etc etc.

It seems to me (and I am no computer hardware or software exoert) like
Windows Installer has "forgotten" who I am and what I have set-up and
normally have access to?

I have tried going back and forth to a variety of restore points but WI
still sees me as a new user - with no established preferences?


I meant Andrew E. Makes no difference - if you can work out what he means
then carry on. Otherwise ask a question that makes sense and someone may try
to help
Well Welcome to you to Dave A,

Is there anybody else out there in the ether that does not have Dave A's
"chip on the shoulder" problem?

As a newbie I would really like some help with this Windows Installer problem.

I did not enter this forum to have the Dave A's of the world, who probably
used to bite the heads off their little sister's dolls, publicly kick me in
the head.

Help ...... forget it Dave A.
laopa said:
Windows Installer as of 1/8/06 seems to now be treating me as a new user.
When I now log on as I would do normally WI will not allow me access to MS
Office Applications (keeps giving error messages about the need to
re-install for this user) , my EMail (Thunderbird) Application is now
empty and asking to be set-up as new, my Browser (Firefox) has returned to
its newly installed format (no extensions or formats), I cannot use my
back-up of Open Office which has also reverted to its newly installed
format and wants to register itself etc etc.

It seems to me (and I am no computer hardware or software exoert) like
Windows Installer has "forgotten" who I am and what I have set-up and
normally have access to?

I have tried going back and forth to a variety of restore points but WI
still sees me as a new user - with no established preferences?


It sounds like your user profile has become corrupted. Create a new user
profile and see if it works. You will of course need to set up programs and
email for the new account. See if it "holds". If it does, copy over your
data from your original user account and then delete the old account.

Hi Malke,

Thanks for the assistance. I have tried setting up a new user account but I
still run into the same Windows Installer Errors (1601) when trying to open
any application that is part of MS Office Pro 2003. I cannot run any repars
either as I again receive error messages about WI and concluding with the
error that the program is not set-up for this user / me.

I am also working my through all of the fixes listed in the Windows
Installer section of the ( So far no luck!

I have downloaded and installed (maybe) WI 3.1 (v2) but when I search my
system it can not find the file msiexec.exe? However if I run the msconfig
tool it shows Windows Installer as a service - unknown manufacturer - and it
is stopped.

Running through the procedure to restart it does not work either.

I still get the Windows Installer Screen/Pop Up at various times as my
systems boots up and every thing, bar MS Office, now has been fixed
(including remodifying a new pristine Firefox and importing all of my emails
back into a new pristine Thunderbird - can't find the addresses) and the loss
all of my Copernic Search History) but apart from that I can operate as is.

Concerning WI I would still appreciate any help on offer and I would make
the comment that all of my troubles can possibly be traced back to the last
Microsoft Updates in July 06 and that a lot of the articles on fixes to WI
seem to have been updated in July 06.

Still Help but I think Windows Installer focused .......... but then again
what do I know!

Thanks again for the input.
laopa said:
Hi Malke,

Thanks for the assistance. I have tried setting up a new user account but
I still run into the same Windows Installer Errors (1601) when trying to
open any application that is part of MS Office Pro 2003. I cannot run any
repars either as I again receive error messages about WI and concluding
with the error that the program is not set-up for this user / me.

I am also working my through all of the fixes listed in the Windows
Installer section of the ( So far no luck!

I have downloaded and installed (maybe) WI 3.1 (v2) but when I search my
system it can not find the file msiexec.exe? However if I run the msconfig
tool it shows Windows Installer as a service - unknown manufacturer - and
it is stopped.

Running through the procedure to restart it does not work either.

I still get the Windows Installer Screen/Pop Up at various times as my
systems boots up and every thing, bar MS Office, now has been fixed
(including remodifying a new pristine Firefox and importing all of my
emails back into a new pristine Thunderbird - can't find the addresses)
and the loss all of my Copernic Search History) but apart from that I can
operate as is.

Concerning WI I would still appreciate any help on offer and I would make
the comment that all of my troubles can possibly be traced back to the
last Microsoft Updates in July 06 and that a lot of the articles on fixes
to WI seem to have been updated in July 06.

I really think the best solution would be for you to take the machine to a
local professional (not a BigStoreUSA type of place) who can *see* what's
really going on.

Or else contact Microsoft support since you are sure this problem occurred
right after the Windows Updates. There is no charge for support about
problems arising from Windows Updates.

Windows Update support -
Unlimited support requests are included at no charge (US number) - (866)

laopa said:
Well Welcome to you to Dave A,

Is there anybody else out there in the ether that does not have Dave A's
"chip on the shoulder" problem?

As a newbie I would really like some help with this Windows Installer problem.

I did not enter this forum to have the Dave A's of the world, who probably
used to bite the heads off their little sister's dolls, publicly kick me in
the head.

Help ...... forget it Dave A.

Actually if you search for Andrew E. in any thread and look at his "help"
you will see what I was referring to. Most of his advice is useless and some
is dangerous.

I personally did not understand your post since you said it was a new
Windows installation on 01/08/06 but Windows Installer was giving you a
problem. Reading your problems though it sounded like Windows itself had
"lost" your personal user settings which is not the same thing. Other
programs may well "lose" personal settings as well if they take these from
the Windows installation. As Malke says it sounds as if your Windows
personal settings are corrupted in some way - maybe you could detail what you
were doing when it first happened, was it at a start-up and if so was there
anything unusual during the preceding shut-down? Had you just installed
something and re-booted? Do you have anti-virus and anti-spyware on software
on the machine (probably will not help regain your settings but a must for
when you fix it). There are many things you could include in the post that
will help somebody to help you.

Malke will always try to help because she is a nice lady. You can search
for her posts and see how many times she asks posters to help themselves with
questions though if you like.

She is as right as always on this occasion - such a total "loss" of settings
in several programs without a reason you can help point to is probably only
fixable by somebody with the MVPs knowledge having actual access to your

I have no chip on my shoulder and my sister's dolls were all safe. I just
wouldn't want (anybody) to give advice you were going to act on immediately
without making sure the advice at least had a reasonable chance to fix your
problem. Lack of informnation in a post on a serious issue can cause
problems which some posters then "blame" on people that tried to help. Maybe
that's not you but it happens. If you do not know what you are doing and you
have such a "serious" problem as yours Malke's advice to call in the
professionals is probably the best.

Best of luck - just do not follow any advice given by Andrew E. unless there
is a post from an MVP after it saying it is (almost) ok.