HELP! Windows 3.1 won't read CD-DRIVE




I currently have windows 3.01. I am trying to upgrade to windows 98 thru the
upgrade cd, and I put it in. When I try to make it run, it says "No CDROM
drives were detected. This divice is assumed to be drive O." I click "Run" in
Program Manager, then I type O:, and there is a error window saying "No such
drive." Does anyone know how to install the the CD Drive?

Computer: NEC Ready 9701SE
Operating Platform: Windows 3.x (3.1 to be exact)
CD Drive: Toshiba
CD Drive model:MX-5602B

Any help would be great!


Detlev Dreyer

dragonfly said:
I currently have windows 3.01. I am trying to upgrade to windows 98
thru the upgrade cd, and I put it in. When I try to make it run,

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