HELP - Why are Worker thread's child thread's entering WaitSleepJoin? Plus Context Deadlock....

  • Thread starter Thread starter celoftis
  • Start date Start date


Using VS2005, VB.NET,
I have a worker thread (started by main UI thread) that in turn
and monitors child threads to execute several long running process.
The problem is that the worker thread's children are entering
WaitSleepJoin and thus my worker thread just hangs doing nothing and
just loops. My question is why are my child thread's entering
waitsleepjoin state? There is no sleep or spinwait being called in
child's thred process.

Also, I am getting the dreaded content deadlock and con't figure out
The CLR has been unable to transition from COM context 0x1d1ba0 to
context 0x1d1e80 for 60 seconds. The thread that owns the destination
context/apartment is most likely either doing a non pumping wait or
processing a very long running operation without pumping Windows
messages. This situation generally has a negative performance impact
and may even lead to the application becoming non responsive or
usage accumulating continually over time. To avoid this problem, all
single threaded apartment (STA) threads should use pumping wait
primitives (such as CoWaitForMultipleHandles) and routinely pump
messages during long running operations.
The deadlock even happens if the code in StartUpload (worker thread's
process - see full lisiting below) executes to the end (which I
thought would cause the worked thread to Stop). How can I determine
where the deadlock is? BTW, I've tried diabling MDA's LoadLock
exception and adding a ...mda.config file to no avail (I don't think
that VS is starting the debugger starting the MDA erronously).

Beow are some code excerpts that show (1) the start of the worker
thread; (2) code in the work thread's proc that spawns and monitors
child threads and (3) the child thread proc. Let me know if you see
any problems.

One thing I'm not sure about - that's is the number of event's that I
am raising. These events are handled in my main UI thread so the user
can get status updates. The event handlers are invoking delegate
functions (so they run on the main UI thread) using BeginInvoke in
attempts to avoid blocking on the RaiseEvent calls in the worker

Selected code excerpts follow:
Private Sub btnUpload_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal
As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpload.Click
Dim xRoot As XmlElement = xDataDocument.DocumentElement
'xDataDocument is an XML having info about audio files...
Dim xNodeList As XmlNodeList = xRoot.SelectNodes("//
audioFile[bConvertedToMp3='true' and bUploaded='false']/strFilename")
'gets a list of all the files that need to be uploaded to the
If xNodeList Is Nothing OrElse xNodeList.Count <= 0 Then
Me.Uploader = New Upload(Me.strCI_Id, xNodeList)
'Me.Uploader.StartUpload() 'COMMENTED OUT, NOW RUNS N
Me.tUpload = New Thread(New ThreadStart(AddressOf
Me.tUpload.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal
End If
xNodeList = Nothing
Catch ex As Exception
Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message & vbNewLine & ex.StackTrace)
'TODO handle upload error
End Try
End Sub
Public Sub StartUpload()
'Private Sub Process_Upload()
If Me.xNodeList Is Nothing OrElse Me.xNodeList.Count <= 0
Throw New Exception("No files to upload (xNodeList is
Me.bRunning = True
RaiseEvent DisableUploadAction() 'ALL RAISED EVENTS
ARE INVOKED USING BeginInvoke (asynchronously) TO AVOID BLOCKING
RaiseEvent ChangeUploadButtonTooltip("Uploading
Dim intNumberFiles = Me.BuildUploadDataSet()
xNodeList to a DataSet so we can just send an XML string up to the
RaiseEvent StatusChange("Starting upload of " &
intNumberFiles & " file" & IIf(intNumberFiles = 1, "", "s"))
'Send upload list to the server, get a confirmation
list back...
Dim objWebService As New myWebServiceClass
Me.strUploadFileList =
objWebService.UploadFileList(strCI_Id, dsUpload.GetXml)
Catch ex As Exception
Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message & vbNewLine &
Throw ex
End Try
If InStr(Me.strUploadFileList.ToUpper, "ERROR") = 1
RaiseEvent StatusChange("Error registering upload
file list for CIID=" & strCI_Id & "..." & Replace(strUploadFileList,
"ERROR", ""))
Throw New Exception("Error registering upload
request for CIID=" & strCI_Id & "..." & Replace(strUploadFileList,
"ERROR", ""))
Dim dsFileList As DataSet = New DataSet
Dim srReader As New
XmlReadMode.InferSchema) 'read the strUploadFileList into a dataset
for easies processing below...
Dim dr As DataRow
Dim intFileSize As Int32 = 0
Dim intSecs As Double = 0
Dim dblProgress As Double = 0
Dim strMessage As String = Nothing
Dim bProgress As Boolean = True
For i As Int32 = 0 To
dsFileList.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1 'For each file in the upload
strMessage = "Uploading file " & i + 1 &
of " & dsFileList.Tables(0).Rows.Count
RaiseEvent StatusChange(strMessage)
dr = dsFileList.Tables(0).Rows(i)
Me.strUploadFileName = dr.Item(0)
'If the file has no specified path,
it is in the interview folder
If InStr(Me.strUploadFileName, "\") = 0
Then Me.strUploadFileName = STR_INTERVIEW & Me.strUploadFileName
Me.dblBytesPerSecond =
Me.GetUploadBytesPerSecond() 'Based on past history, speculate an
upload speed in bytes/second
intFileSize =
bProgress = True
Catch ex As FileNotFoundException
bProgress = False
End Try
tsUploadStart = Nothing
tsUploadEnd = Nothing
If Not Me.tUpload Is Nothing AndAlso
Me.tUpload.IsAlive Then Me.tUpload.Abort()
Me.tUpload = Nothing
Me.tUpload = New Thread(New
ThreadStart(AddressOf Me.Process_UploadFile))

Me.tUpload.Priority =
Me.tUpload.IsBackground = True 'Set
this thread to end with parent thread
Catch ex As Exception
Debug.WriteLine("launch of upload
thread failed..." & vbNewLine & ex.Message & vbNewLine &
If Not Me.tUpload Is Nothing AndAlso
Me.tUpload.IsAlive Then Me.tUpload.Abort()
Me.tUpload = Nothing
'TODO log failure of upload thread...
Continue For 'Skip this file...
'Throw ex
End Try
While Me.tsUploadStart = Nothing
OrElse (Me.tUpload.ThreadState And Threading.ThreadState.Unstarted) =
Thread.Sleep(5) 'wait for thread
to start...
End While
While (Me.tUpload.ThreadState And
Threading.ThreadState.Stopped) = 0
'If Me.tUpload.ThreadState And
Threading.ThreadState.WaitSleepJoin =
Threading.ThreadState.WaitSleepJoin Then Me.tUpload.Interrupt() 'IS
this what I need todo to get avoid the waitsleepjoin? Why did the
child thread go to sleep?
intSecs = ((New
TimeSpan(Now.Ticks)).TotalMilliseconds -
Me.tsUploadStart.TotalMilliseconds) / 1000.0
If bProgress Then
If Me.dblBytesPerSecond = 0
dblProgress = intSecs /
(intFileSize / (0.8 * 32.768)) 'default upload speed to to 80% of
~262kbps ~= 32.768K/sec (typical upload speed of cable modem)
dblProgress = intSecs /
(intFileSize / Me.dblBytesPerSecond)
End If
If dblProgress > 0.99 Then
dblProgress = 0.99
StatusChange(strMessage & ", " & Format(dblProgress, "0.#%") & New
String(".", intSecs Mod 11))
StatusChange(strMessage & ", " & intSecs & "second(s)" & New
String(".", intSecs Mod 11))
End If
End While
If Me.strUploadResult Is Nothing Then
Debug.WriteLine("processing of
upload failed...")
& " upload failed")
If Not Me.tUpload Is Nothing
AndAlso Me.tUpload.IsAlive Then Me.tUpload.Abort()
Me.tUpload = Nothing
'TODO log failure of upload
Continue For 'Skip this file...
'Throw ex
'Exit For 'TODO should be keep
trying to uploads?
InStr(Me.strUploadResult.ToUpper, "ERROR") = 1 Then
Debug.WriteLine(" upload failed "
& Me.strUploadResult)
& " upload failed " & Replace(Me.strUploadResult, "ERROR", ""))
If Not Me.tUpload Is Nothing
AndAlso Me.tUpload.IsAlive Then Me.tUpload.Abort()
Me.tUpload = Nothing
'TODO log failure of upload
Continue For 'Skip this file...
'Throw ex
'Exit For 'TODO should be keep
trying to uploads?
& " complete")
'Calculate elapsed time, store
stats for future uploads
TrackUploadStats(intFileSize, (Me.tsUploadEnd.TotalMilliseconds -
Me.tsUploadStart.TotalMilliseconds) / 1000)
FileUploadComplete(Me.strUploadFileName, Now) 'Mark this file as
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Debug.WriteLine("processing of upload
failed..." & vbNewLine & ex.Message & vbNewLine & ex.StackTrace)
RaiseEvent StatusChange(strMessage &
upload failed " & ex.Message)
If Not Me.tUpload Is Nothing AndAlso
Me.tUpload.IsAlive Then Me.tUpload.Abort()
Me.tUpload = Nothing
'TODO log failure of upload thread...
Continue For 'Skip this file...
'Throw ex
End Try
Next i
RaiseEvent StatusChange("Upload complete...")
Thread.Sleep(2000) 'Dispaly complete message
for a couple of seconds...
RaiseEvent StatusChange("")
srReader = Nothing
dsFileList = Nothing
Catch ex As Exception
Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message & vbNewLine &
'TODO log error
RaiseEvent StatusChange("Error uploading file
list for CIID=" & strCI_Id & "..." & ex.Message)
Throw ex
End Try
End If
objWebService = Nothing
Catch ex As Exception
Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message & vbNewLine &
'TODO log error
RaiseEvent StatusChange("Error processing upload
action for CIID=" & strCI_Id & "..." & ex.Message)
Throw ex
'TODO signal main thread that uploading is complete
'RaiseEvent EnableUploadAction() 'This may not be the
correct action...
'RaiseEvent ChangeUploadButtonTooltip("No cases
pending transmission") 'This may not be true
RaiseEvent Complete()
Me.bRunning = False
End Try
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Process_UploadFile()
Dim strName As String =
Dim dt As DateTime = Now 'initialize to today's date...
dt =
".WAV", ""), ".MP3", ""))
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Dim objWebService As New myWebServiceClass
Me.strUploadResult = Nothing
Me.tsUploadStart = New TimeSpan(Now.Ticks) 'Capture start
Me.strUploadResult = objWebService.Upload(Me.strCI_Id,
"", strName, Me.ConvertFileToBase64(Me.strUploadFileName)) 'THIS CALL
Me.tsUploadEnd = New TimeSpan(Now.Ticks) 'Capture end
objWebService = Nothing
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
End Sub
celoftis said:
Using VS2005, VB.NET,
I have a worker thread (started by main UI thread) that in turn
and monitors child threads to execute several long running process.
The problem is that the worker thread's children are entering
WaitSleepJoin and thus my worker thread just hangs doing nothing and
just loops. My question is why are my child thread's entering
waitsleepjoin state? There is no sleep or spinwait being called in
child's thred process.

Well, then what statement is a stuck "child" thread waiting on when you
break in the debugger once you get the application into that state?

I can tell you that the number of events being raised should not in any
way be a factor. It may in fact be related, but if so only because for
some reason you haven't properly synchronized code related to the
raising of events. The raising of events itself isn't an issue (and in
fact, raising an event is not very much different from simply calling a

For what it's worth, the code you posted is practically useless to
anyone trying to help answer your question. It's far too complicated
for most people to bother trying to read through it and see what might
be going on, and as near as I can tell it's not even a complete sample,
so no one can simply compile and run it either.

You will get better help if you come up with a concise-but-complete
example of code that reliably reproduces the problem. "Concise" meaning
there's not a single thing in the code that isn't directly related to
reproducing the problem, and "complete" meaning no one has to add
anything else to the code to get it to run.

Personally, it's my opinion that the source of this sort of problem is
usually easily identified, if not solved outright, just by breaking in
the debugger and finding out what statement a blocked thread is waiting
on. That usually provides a great deal of information about what
resource a thread is waiting for and why it's not getting it.

But at the very least, you need a much simpler code sample that is
complete in order to successfully solicit detailed help.

Well, then what statement is a stuck "child" thread waiting on when you
break in the debugger once you get the application into that state?


But at the very least, you need a much simpler code sample that is
complete in order to successfully solicit detailed help.

Pete, very good points about the code I posted - I'll note that in the
Now, on to your question - I'm not sure how to tell what line of code
(LOC) the child thread is stuck on when I break into the worker
(parent) thread. Maybe this is simple, but forgive me for asking, how
do I get this information from the bugger?

But without knowing for a fact what LOC the child is stuck on, I
strongly suspect one line in that child's thread proc - that line is a
call to a long runnng process (web service) that uploads files from
the client to the server. So, assuming that this is the line that the
child thread is stuck on, how do I get it unstuck. In my testing I
have child run and run (many times longer than is required for the
suspect LOC to complete - note the code below is the (concise) child
thread's start procedure:
Private Sub Process_UploadFile()
Dim objWebService As New myWebServiceClass
THE CHILD -------------
Me.strUploadResult = objWebService.Upload(file) 'For
simplicity parms to the web service have been removed....
objWebService = Nothing
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
End Sub
celoftis said:
Now, on to your question - I'm not sure how to tell what line of code
(LOC) the child thread is stuck on when I break into the worker
(parent) thread. Maybe this is simple, but forgive me for asking, how
do I get this information from the bugger?

In Visual Studio 2005, you would select the appropriate thread from the
threads dropdown list found in the debugging toolbar. That will cause
the callstack to be populated with that thread's information, and of
course from there you can inspect any of the stack frames, including the
lowest-level one that will tell you where the thread is waiting.

Note that the Express version of Visual Studio 2005 doesn't provide
this. It has only very limited thread-debugging features. You could
use the Debug.WriteLine() method to trace your threads' execution, and
if you already have a good idea of where things are stuck, this is
usually not even that hard. But if you're going to do any serious
thread debugging, you need the retail version of VS.

If you already have it, then you're good to go. :)
But without knowing for a fact what LOC the child is stuck on, I
strongly suspect one line in that child's thread proc - that line is a
call to a long runnng process (web service) that uploads files from
the client to the server. So, assuming that this is the line that the
child thread is stuck on, how do I get it unstuck.

Well, that depends on why it's stuck, of course. :) Presumably you
should be able to verify whether the data has in fact been uploaded
successfully. That should tell you whether the service is failing to
upload the data and thus never returns, or if it's simply failing to
return correctly upon completion of the operation.

In either case, how to address it depends on the myWebServiceClass
class. If it's buggy, then obviously the bug in it needs to be fixed.
As well, you may find that in order to recover from network problems
gracefully you need to provide or use a timeout mechanism, or some way
to cancel the operation externally after some timeout.

The name "myWebServiceClass" implies that the class itself is yours,
which means that if that thread is blocked in that statement, then it
should actually be blocked even deeper in your own code. So that's part
of the analysis as well. If the class isn't actually yours, then you
may have to enlist the help of whoever did write it.

Thanks for the help.

Well, I haven't been able to replicate the problem with my child
thread getting stuck again... I suppose that this may have been an
issue with my web service code - I think that it is unstable enough to
cause this problem so I've moved on to the other problem now: context

Using the tip you gave me about looking at the threads in the debugger
I was hoping to determine which of my threads was causing the Context
deadlock. Before giving this a try, I gave all my threads unique names
so that I could see which one was being executed at the time of the
deadlock - but when the context deadlock is expereinced and I break
into the code, none of the threads on the stack have a name - one is
highlighted, but I don't know how to determine what this thread is
deadlocked on - I've repeated the context deadlock message below - any
thoughts on this? Also, note that I only get the deadlock AFTER
running worker thread mentioned in this post - I mean, all the code
for the worker thread completes normally - and as I mentioned above,
then the context deadlock is detected no named threads appear in the
list - so does this mean that my worker thread (and all its children)
ended also?

Your thoughts appreciated.

Context deadlock error message:
The CLR has been unable to transition from COM context 0x1d1ba8 to COM
context 0x1d1e88 for 60 seconds. The thread that owns the destination
context/apartment is most likely either doing a non pumping wait or
processing a very long running operation without pumping Windows
messages. This situation generally has a negative performance impact
and may even lead to the application becoming non responsive or memory
usage accumulating continually over time. To avoid this problem, all
single threaded apartment (STA) threads should use pumping wait
primitives (such as CoWaitForMultipleHandles) and routinely pump
messages during long running operations.
celoftis said:
Using the tip you gave me about looking at the threads in the debugger
I was hoping to determine which of my threads was causing the Context
deadlock. Before giving this a try, I gave all my threads unique names
so that I could see which one was being executed at the time of the
deadlock - but when the context deadlock is expereinced and I break
into the code, none of the threads on the stack have a name - one is
highlighted, but I don't know how to determine what this thread is
deadlocked on

I don't name my threads. I just select a thread and see where it is.
If it's the thread I'm interested in, it'll be on a line of code I
recognize. If it's not, it won't and I check the next thread.

Inefficient maybe, but it works. :)

- I've repeated the context deadlock message below - any
thoughts on this? Also, note that I only get the deadlock AFTER
running worker thread mentioned in this post - I mean, all the code
for the worker thread completes normally - and as I mentioned above,
then the context deadlock is detected no named threads appear in the
list - so does this mean that my worker thread (and all its children)
ended also?

It's entirely possible that the error message you're getting is a false
positive. That is, that you don't have any threads that are stuck. I
have only ever seen that message when stepping through code, causing one
or more threads to be delayed long enough for the debugger to pop the
error up. I don't know if your situation is similar; I don't have
enough experience with the error (and in particular, have zero
experience with it in a true positive scenario) to say for sure.

I would say that one thing to look at is whether your code appears to be
working normally otherwise. If it is, then perhaps there's no problem
at all.

Thanks again for the response.
I don't name my threads. I just select a thread and see where it is.
If it's the thread I'm interested in, it'll be on a line of code I
recognize. If it's not, it won't and I check the next thread.

I suppose I need to get more famaliar with thread debugging info. In
my output window, I messages telling me that "thread 0x#### has exited
with return code 0x0" - which looks good to me (no error number)... my
question is how I relate the 0x#### number back to the threads that I
create - none of the thread attributes/properties produce this number
when I investigate them on a known thread. Where does this number come

It's entirely possible that the error message you're getting is a false
positive. That is, that you don't have any threads that are stuck. I
have only ever seen that message when stepping through code, causing one
or more threads to be delayed long enough for the debugger to pop the
error up. I don't know if your situation is similar; I don't have
enough experience with the error (and in particular, have zero
experience with it in a true positive scenario) to say for sure.

I would say that one thing to look at is whether your code appears to be
working normally otherwise. If it is, then perhaps there's no problem
at all.

Yes, I have read that the debugger throws false context deadlock
errors when debugging - I was thinking that I wasn't falling under
that bogus case b/c I get the error when the app is running vs. being
stopped in the debugger. Maybe just running the app in Debug mode
triggers the error? Not a real secure feeling that I am left with on
celoftis said:
I suppose I need to get more famaliar with thread debugging info. In
my output window, I messages telling me that "thread 0x#### has exited
with return code 0x0" - which looks good to me (no error number)... my
question is how I relate the 0x#### number back to the threads that I
create - none of the thread attributes/properties produce this number
when I investigate them on a known thread. Where does this number come

Which number? The "0x####" number? Or the actual return code? I'm
assuming the former, for the moment.

To be honest, I've never looked closely that the thread ID output in the
console. .NET is always on its own making threads that start up and
exit, causing that message to be more of a distraction than a help to
me. If I care about the return code from a thread, I've got code
somewhere else that checks it.

That said, I'll bet that the ID is either the managed thread ID
(Thread.ManagedThreadId) or the unmanaged thread ID (Windows function
GetThreadId()). Frankly, I'm still a little confused about the
relationship between managed threads and unmanaged threads. One day
I'll read that they are one and the same, though not guaranteed to be
so, the next day I'll read that .NET already doesn't map a managed
thread to a specific unmanaged thread.

Who knows. But it wouldn't be hard to write a little test app to just
Debug.WriteLine() the two thread IDs (managed and unmanaged) just before
a thread exits, and see which if either matches the ID in the "thread
exited" message (you might return some non-zero number from the thread,
just in case some other thread exits at the same time, to make it easier
to match up the thread exit message with your own test thread).
Yes, I have read that the debugger throws false context deadlock
errors when debugging - I was thinking that I wasn't falling under
that bogus case b/c I get the error when the app is running vs. being
stopped in the debugger. Maybe just running the app in Debug mode
triggers the error? Not a real secure feeling that I am left with on

I have the same problem with the LoaderLock MDA exception. All signs
suggest I should be able to ignore it in the situations in which I run
into it, but it still bothers me that it shows up.

Anyway, if I'm recalling correctly, your deadlock error is similar, and
is an MDA exception. So it will only ever show up when you are running
with the debugger, and it will _always_ show up if the conditions it
describes are met, whether or not those conditions are really a problem.

At the heart of the error is the assumption by the debugger that if a
thread with a message queue does not call a function to retrieve a
message from the queue after a certain amount of time, then that thread
may be deadlocked. But there are other reasons a thread may not get to
retrieve a message within a specific amount of time. One of those
reasons is that you are stepping slowly through the debugger,
interfering with a thread's ability to execute its message pump.
Another is that the thread has a message pump, but also has some code
that takes a long time to complete in response to processing some message.

Now, I think it could be argued that in that latter case, it may
actually be a design flaw to have code like that. I feel that threads
with message queues are generally threads that should not have lengthy
tasks executed in them. Those threads should instead delegate those
tasks to some other thread without a message queue. But that doesn't
mean that it's a fundamental programming error to fail to do that. It
just means that's not how _I_ would do it. There's no shortage of
people out there who will argue that's not a useful metric at all. :)

IMHO more important is the question of whether there is actually a
deadlock condition when you see the error. And one hopes that you would
easily detect a deadlock condition, at least from a user's point of
view. That is, if deadlock occurs, your application should essentially
just stop working, at least partially. It can be tricky to detect
deadlock from within the code, but from where the user's sitting it's
usually pretty obvious. The program just stops doing anything. :)

So, assuming your program continues to do the work it's supposed to be
doing, even when you get this error, I'd say it's at worst suggesting
there may be room for improvement in your design. At the very least, in
that situation I don't think it's something that you _have_ to fix (even
if it's something I might personally look more closely at).

Thanks for the background... and the input. I call this one closed!
Again, thanks for the help.