help what does this error mean? Additional information: The type initializer for "cm_400_utility.Mov

  • Thread starter Thread starter Scott Emick
  • Start date Start date

Scott Emick

I'm getting this error with a program I've written in VB.Net, but only with
the installed version. When I run it in debug, I do not get that error.

Scott Emick
Scott Emick said:
I'm getting this error with a program I've written in VB.Net, but only with
the installed version. When I run it in debug, I do not get that error.

Well, it means what it says - that the type initializer for the type
cm_400_utility.MoveData threw an exception. I'd expect the
InnerException property of the exception to tell you what exception the
type initializer threw.
Well if the I run the executable and let the JIT debugger (vs7) debug it
(and I have compiled with symbols as well), it breaks execution inside
ntdll.dll and I get dissasembly (which I do not really know how to read)

7C90EB23 mov dword ptr [esp+8],ebx
7C90EB27 mov dword ptr [esp+10h],0
7C90EB2F push esp
7C90EB30 call 7C90EBAC
7C90EB35 ret 8
7C90EB38 nop
7C90EB39 nop
7C90EB3A nop
7C90EB3B nop
7C90EB3C nop
7C90EB3D push ebp
7C90EB3E mov ebp,esp
7C90EB40 sub esp,50h
7C90EB43 mov dword ptr [esp+0Ch],eax
7C90EB47 mov eax,dword ptr fs:[00000018h]
7C90EB4D mov eax,dword ptr [eax+1A4h]
7C90EB53 mov dword ptr [esp],eax
7C90EB56 mov dword ptr [esp+4],0
7C90EB5E mov dword ptr [esp+8],0
7C90EB66 mov dword ptr [esp+10h],0
7C90EB6E push esp
7C90EB6F call 7C90EBAC
7C90EB74 mov eax,dword ptr [esp]
7C90EB77 mov esp,ebp
7C90EB79 pop ebp
7C90EB7A ret
7C90EB7B nop
7C90EB7C lea esp,[esp]
7C90EB83 lea ecx,[ecx]
7C90EB86 nop
7C90EB87 nop
7C90EB88 nop
7C90EB89 nop
7C90EB8A nop
7C90EB8B mov edx,esp
7C90EB8D sysenter
7C90EB8F nop
7C90EB90 nop
7C90EB91 nop
7C90EB92 nop
7C90EB93 nop
--> 7C90EB94 ret
7C90EB95 lea esp,[esp]
7C90EB9C lea esp,[esp]
7C90EBA0 nop
7C90EBA1 nop
7C90EBA2 nop
7C90EBA3 nop
7C90EBA4 nop
7C90EBA5 lea edx,[esp+8]
7C90EBA9 int 2Eh
7C90EBAB ret
7C90EBAC push ebp
7C90EBAD mov ebp,esp
7C90EBAF pushfd
7C90EBB0 sub esp,2D0h
7C90EBB6 mov dword ptr [ebp-224h],eax
7C90EBBC mov dword ptr [ebp-228h],ecx
7C90EBC2 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+8]
7C90EBC5 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp+4]
7C90EBC8 mov dword ptr [eax+0Ch],ecx
7C90EBCB lea eax,[ebp-2D4h]
7C90EBD1 mov dword ptr [eax+0B8h],ecx
7C90EBD7 mov dword ptr [eax+0A4h],ebx
7C90EBDD mov dword ptr [eax+0A8h],edx
7C90EBE3 mov dword ptr [eax+0A0h],esi
7C90EBE9 mov dword ptr [eax+9Ch],edi
7C90EBEF lea ecx,[ebp+0Ch]
7C90EBF2 mov dword ptr [eax+0C4h],ecx
7C90EBF8 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp]
7C90EBFB mov dword ptr [eax+0B4h],ecx
7C90EC01 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-4]
7C90EC04 mov dword ptr [eax+0C0h],ecx
7C90EC0A mov word ptr [eax+0BCh],cs
7C90EC10 mov word ptr [eax+98h],ds
7C90EC16 mov word ptr [eax+94h],es
7C90EC1C mov word ptr [eax+90h],fs
7C90EC22 mov word ptr [eax+8Ch],gs
7C90EC28 mov word ptr [eax+0C8h],ss
7C90EC2E mov dword ptr [eax],10007h
Scott Emick said:
Well if the I run the executable and let the JIT debugger (vs7) debug it
(and I have compiled with symbols as well), it breaks execution inside
ntdll.dll and I get dissasembly (which I do not really know how to read)

Well, what are you doing in that particular type initializer?

Can you look up a few levels in the stack in the debugger?