Triangle Web Hosting and Design
I posted requests for this assistance lately and got some positive feedback
including an offer to work on this project. I have not heard back from the
person who contacted me but I do not believe that I am being abandoned on
that. I am merely wishing to see if anyone else would share an interest in
doing some of this which could be divided among tasks. It is not for profit
in any form and is a charitable effort to help persons who help others and
to help the needy - those with various combinations of needs.
Since I posted this I've discovered the value of Content Management Systems
(CMS) and feel that such should be a part of this project/effort or resource
that is being created. Though my focus is on my area in terms of some
resources, I do see a place for this in various communities.
I will be referencing the following web sites below throughout my posting.
I do hope that this is received well and with the good intentions that I
Sites are as follows:
http://TriangleSupport.net/resources/ a primitive attempt at a resource
directory, with problems in layout of the site and the fact that it is not
database driven (specifically php/mysql)
http://TriangleSupport.net/VirutalCommunity - a CMS system to encapsulate or
improve the usefulness of these site overall. Could use help with someone
familiar with using a CMS.
http://nationwidesinlges.us or http://friendships.nationwidesingles.us
both of these had been scripts that a customer of mine had intended
originally to use for money making purposes. Since then I've decided to
make them into free friendfinders as consistent with a resource
site/community site etc. and they will be free based on the target
population. Improvement is needed on these, desperately!!
I've been reading about database design (relational databases) for the web
and recognize the importance of database optimization and normalization.
The server I use supports mysql. I'll get to my question in a moment but
some information is needed. What I'm trying to do as a project that I
wanted to do for some time and that would benefit non-profits, charities,
churches and public service agencies is the development of a resource
directory. This would be specific to a community but the concept could be
used in other communities. I did something like this that was very limited
and very incomplete but was connected with a "Street Sheet" that is still
used in Wilmington, NC. The street sheet has been modified but I did it as
a social work Masters Level Intern.
The idea that I have now is to meet the needs of those who serve the needy,
job seekers, those seeking assistance with rent, utilities, food, clothing,
etc. A list of agencies, churches, or groups that provide a service will
vary from one location to another, the list that one agency has or that one
church has will vary from place to place. The goals are often the same,
though and many groups would like to have more information that is easier to
access. In addition, the user would benefit from having a place to look for
where to turn if they need emergency assistance, food stamps, or if they are
job seekers.
Ok, as I start to set this up, I think about the first two tables I'd have.
One would be for service providers or agencies. The other table would list
services. We have here a many to many relationship between these two
tables. An agency, say, Social Services, will provide more than one
service. In addition, a service will be provided by more than one agency or
group, church, non-profit. Whether we call the agency, church, non-profit
or group a resource of the service(s) they provide a resource(or resources)
is not the biggest issue of concern for clarification. The issue is that it
seems that with the two many to many relationships here we would want a join
table to reduce the relationship to a combination of one-to-many
relationships. That is where I am unsure how to implement this. In
addition, in collaboration with others, we may want to include, and most
likely will, additional tables for this database.
So, I'm writing for advice and perhaps information on these issues, perhaps
learning resources... or someone interested in working with me to help the
needy and those who serve the needy, among others that would benefit from
such a resource directory. I started this like some sites have, with a
simple web site that lists resources by category. The site is at:
http://TriangleSupport.net/resources/ which is obviously a less than ideal
site at this point.
The database driven version would need to be in php/mysql as that is what
the server supports and it is where I've found the most education so far...
not to mention the price issue (free). Please write back as to where I
might find assistance, or feedback on my questions... or if you would like
to help. Again, I think this can benefit other communities if the idea goes
well and is useful. My email is (e-mail address removed)
Bruce Whealton (e-mail address removed)
Webmaster/Web Designer/Writer
Publisher of Word Salad - Poetry Magazine:
Check out our poetry contest "Poets Against Poverty"
I posted requests for this assistance lately and got some positive feedback
including an offer to work on this project. I have not heard back from the
person who contacted me but I do not believe that I am being abandoned on
that. I am merely wishing to see if anyone else would share an interest in
doing some of this which could be divided among tasks. It is not for profit
in any form and is a charitable effort to help persons who help others and
to help the needy - those with various combinations of needs.
Since I posted this I've discovered the value of Content Management Systems
(CMS) and feel that such should be a part of this project/effort or resource
that is being created. Though my focus is on my area in terms of some
resources, I do see a place for this in various communities.
I will be referencing the following web sites below throughout my posting.
I do hope that this is received well and with the good intentions that I
Sites are as follows:
http://TriangleSupport.net/resources/ a primitive attempt at a resource
directory, with problems in layout of the site and the fact that it is not
database driven (specifically php/mysql)
http://TriangleSupport.net/VirutalCommunity - a CMS system to encapsulate or
improve the usefulness of these site overall. Could use help with someone
familiar with using a CMS.
http://nationwidesinlges.us or http://friendships.nationwidesingles.us
both of these had been scripts that a customer of mine had intended
originally to use for money making purposes. Since then I've decided to
make them into free friendfinders as consistent with a resource
site/community site etc. and they will be free based on the target
population. Improvement is needed on these, desperately!!
I've been reading about database design (relational databases) for the web
and recognize the importance of database optimization and normalization.
The server I use supports mysql. I'll get to my question in a moment but
some information is needed. What I'm trying to do as a project that I
wanted to do for some time and that would benefit non-profits, charities,
churches and public service agencies is the development of a resource
directory. This would be specific to a community but the concept could be
used in other communities. I did something like this that was very limited
and very incomplete but was connected with a "Street Sheet" that is still
used in Wilmington, NC. The street sheet has been modified but I did it as
a social work Masters Level Intern.
The idea that I have now is to meet the needs of those who serve the needy,
job seekers, those seeking assistance with rent, utilities, food, clothing,
etc. A list of agencies, churches, or groups that provide a service will
vary from one location to another, the list that one agency has or that one
church has will vary from place to place. The goals are often the same,
though and many groups would like to have more information that is easier to
access. In addition, the user would benefit from having a place to look for
where to turn if they need emergency assistance, food stamps, or if they are
job seekers.
Ok, as I start to set this up, I think about the first two tables I'd have.
One would be for service providers or agencies. The other table would list
services. We have here a many to many relationship between these two
tables. An agency, say, Social Services, will provide more than one
service. In addition, a service will be provided by more than one agency or
group, church, non-profit. Whether we call the agency, church, non-profit
or group a resource of the service(s) they provide a resource(or resources)
is not the biggest issue of concern for clarification. The issue is that it
seems that with the two many to many relationships here we would want a join
table to reduce the relationship to a combination of one-to-many
relationships. That is where I am unsure how to implement this. In
addition, in collaboration with others, we may want to include, and most
likely will, additional tables for this database.
So, I'm writing for advice and perhaps information on these issues, perhaps
learning resources... or someone interested in working with me to help the
needy and those who serve the needy, among others that would benefit from
such a resource directory. I started this like some sites have, with a
simple web site that lists resources by category. The site is at:
http://TriangleSupport.net/resources/ which is obviously a less than ideal
site at this point.
The database driven version would need to be in php/mysql as that is what
the server supports and it is where I've found the most education so far...
not to mention the price issue (free). Please write back as to where I
might find assistance, or feedback on my questions... or if you would like
to help. Again, I think this can benefit other communities if the idea goes
well and is useful. My email is (e-mail address removed)
Bruce Whealton (e-mail address removed)
Webmaster/Web Designer/Writer
Publisher of Word Salad - Poetry Magazine:
Check out our poetry contest "Poets Against Poverty"