Before abandoning the machine I would certainly try uninstalling any HP
software for it and deleting the icon in Control Panel / Printers and
then installing the XP version software using
Compatibility mode and Run as Administrator
Find the setup file for installing the software package (if you are
using the CD that came with the A-I-O printer look for autorun.exe,
setup.exe or some other exe file in the root of the file tree) and
right mouse click on it. Select Properties / Compatibility mode .... XP
with SP2 and Run as Administrator and OK your way out.
Then right mouse click again and select Run as Administrator and hope
for better luck.
Have the USB cable unplugged from the PC and the printer and the
printer turned off while installing the software until [Finish] or
until it tells you to connect it up and turn it on.
Hold down the SHIFT key when you insert the CD until the drive stops
spinning so that it does not autorun. If you miss that EXIT the
installation as soon as it gives you the choice and try again.
If you don't have the CD for your printer then you can download the
file from the HP website at:
Note that there are a bunch of updates which you may want to apply.
If you don't have a broadband connection you can order a CD on that
page too.