Just upgrade Gspot from V2.2.1 to V2.5.Beta8. Have a few questions on
the later version which I could not find answers in google.
1.V2.2.1 show comaptible video & audio installedin the stat window.
V2.5 only indicate that Codec(s) are installed. Is there a way to find
out what compatible codecs are install?
2. Under the bottom session on "Proposed Codec Solutions & Test",
there are 2 options Gspot (Vid & Aud) and MS (A/V). What is the
difference between Gspot & MS and how to interprete the results?
How is that relate to the DirectShow Render results in V2.2.1?
3. Where can I find the Help File for V2.5?
the later version which I could not find answers in google.
1.V2.2.1 show comaptible video & audio installedin the stat window.
V2.5 only indicate that Codec(s) are installed. Is there a way to find
out what compatible codecs are install?
2. Under the bottom session on "Proposed Codec Solutions & Test",
there are 2 options Gspot (Vid & Aud) and MS (A/V). What is the
difference between Gspot & MS and how to interprete the results?
How is that relate to the DirectShow Render results in V2.2.1?
3. Where can I find the Help File for V2.5?