HELP!--Use chkbox to populate

  • Thread starter Thread starter Elizabeth
  • Start date Start date


I am sure there is a simple answer to my problem, but I
tend to overanalyze. I would like to use a checkbox to
initiate an action. For example: "Please check the box
if you would like to group the report by a specific
month." When the box is checked, a box with the month
field either appears or is populated or something so the
user cabn select the month they want. The form will be
based on a query including pertinent fields to the
report. Depending on what parameters the user selects on
the form (Fiscal Year, Month (if they want), Fiscal
Quarter (if they want),the report could present data

ANY help would be GREATLY appeciated!!!



In the AfterUpdate event of the check box, assign the visibility of the
"month" control accordingly:

Me.ComboForMonth.Visible= Me.CheckBoxNN.Value

The list in the combo box is modifiable through its RowSource property:

Me.ComboForMonth.RowSource= StringOfAnSQLStatementHere

It is us to you to come with the various cases (if - then - else, of
Select -Case ) and the to make the appropriate strings of the SQL statements
( you can produce the SQL statement in the query designer, then, from their
SQL view, cut and paste the statement in the VBA code, adding the right
delimiter, for the string).

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP
Thank you. I'll just have to figure out the query
designed/SQL code now. Your help is much appreciated!