I have a very important q? We have daily briefings re: Iraq.... Each unit
is responsible for a piece of the briefing pie. The Slides are called BUB
(Battle Update Brief). On our server we have a secure Public dirve. Each
unit has their folder where they store their daily updated BUB slides. I am
responsible for going out to the public drive and grab all of the units BUB
slides and colsolidate them into one briefing for the top brass.
Q? I want to find a way to with ONE CLICK (say a custom action button)
consolidate all of the slides into a Master Brief (over 100 slides). I am
sure that this can be done....If any brain can help me I would be greatful
I have a very important q? We have daily briefings re: Iraq.... Each unit
is responsible for a piece of the briefing pie. The Slides are called BUB
(Battle Update Brief). On our server we have a secure Public dirve. Each
unit has their folder where they store their daily updated BUB slides. I am
responsible for going out to the public drive and grab all of the units BUB
slides and colsolidate them into one briefing for the top brass.
Q? I want to find a way to with ONE CLICK (say a custom action button)
consolidate all of the slides into a Master Brief (over 100 slides). I am
sure that this can be done....If any brain can help me I would be greatful