Help...unable to start acccess Business Contact Mgr in Outlook 200

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Hello! I've tried reinstalling (successfully) and for the life of me cannot
access the program anywhere. I've tried finding buttons, etc in OUtlook to
no avail and also even searching for the exe for Business Contact Mgr and
can't seem to find a way to kick off the program. It shows as installed and
available. Help!
Try this fix from Jim D:

The fix:

run reg edit: Start->Run->regedit
Go under the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" folder
Then go under "Software"
Then right click on the "Microsoft" folder and export it to some file as a
After making a backup we deleted the following two folder under the
"Microsoft" category.

"BusinessSolutions eCRM"

Then logged off of the machine and logged back in.

After this I was able to launch Outlook 2007 and BCM and I did not get any
of the crazy behaviors I was experiencing.

I had the same problem and this remedied it.
Hi Jenni,

This is Mani from India.
Are you working on Outlook 2003 / 2007.
Open Outlook --> Click on Help - > click on disabled items --> in that
window if you find business contact mamnager addin --> highlight it and click
on Enable.

Close outlook and reopen it, you will get the BCM startup wizard. If still
any more issues, mail to me - (e-mail address removed).
