HELP! Trouble getting automatic updates


Laura Craft

HELP! about 2 weeks ago I got Windows XP Home edition,
and had it set to do the automatic updates,,, it puts the
icon on the task bar that an update is downloading and
the percentage,,, it has moved very very slow,, and one
time it got to about 75% and I shut the computer down
like I normally do, but upon rebooting computer a few
hours later when signing on , it put the icon on the
task bar for an update downloading, which was at 0%, so
it never finished the other download. So I didn't know
what is happening and how I can get the updates to finish
so Ican install them. Thank you

Will Denny


You may like to direct your question to the Windows Update News Group:



Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User

| HELP! about 2 weeks ago I got Windows XP Home edition,
| and had it set to do the automatic updates,,, it puts the
| icon on the task bar that an update is downloading and
| the percentage,,, it has moved very very slow,, and one
| time it got to about 75% and I shut the computer down
| like I normally do, but upon rebooting computer a few
| hours later when signing on , it put the icon on the
| task bar for an update downloading, which was at 0%, so
| it never finished the other download. So I didn't know
| what is happening and how I can get the updates to finish
| so Ican install them. Thank you

Lester Stiefel


You may like to direct your question to the Windows Update News Group:


First of all -- NEVER shut down in the middle of updating.
Are you on dialup or broadband.
Go to the microsoft website and click on the link for
windows updates. This will take you to the appropriate site.
Add it to links in IE. From there you will be able to
manually update your machine. It will take time. Also, if
you have used the PC awhile, clean out the history and cache
in internet explorer before updating. This is in Network &
internet connections>internet options. Then run cleanup &
defrag tools. If you have a sizeable download of 10 minutes
or more, you can safely go away to do other things while you
wait for dl/install to complete.

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