Dale Shew
One of the items in the "Designed for Windows for Pocket
PC Handbook for Software Applications" is "Required: Help
Systems Integrated with System TOC". Maybe I'm looking
for the wrong things or in the wrong places, but does
anyone know of a place that I can find information on
what the recommended method is to achieve conformance
with this requirement from the .NET Compact Framework
(C#)? Everything I've found so far refers to either
the .NET Framework on the desktop (but not included in
the Compact Framework) or refers to the eMbedded Visual
Tools. Any help or pointers would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks-
PC Handbook for Software Applications" is "Required: Help
Systems Integrated with System TOC". Maybe I'm looking
for the wrong things or in the wrong places, but does
anyone know of a place that I can find information on
what the recommended method is to achieve conformance
with this requirement from the .NET Compact Framework
(C#)? Everything I've found so far refers to either
the .NET Framework on the desktop (but not included in
the Compact Framework) or refers to the eMbedded Visual
Tools. Any help or pointers would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks-