HELP!!! strange bug found in IE 6.0.2800.1106 ( it seems some kind of corruption in the xml/html par

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First all i've tested these code with different machines but with the same
IE version ( 6.0.2800.1106 )

I've several pages that in some particular cases the background of different
input textboxs appear in yellow, first i had the idea that as something
related with CSS but after several tests i've isolated the code bellow...
the first text box appear in a white background but the second one appear in
yellow, but the strange part is: if you cut the <form tag, everything is
well or if you change the name in the second textbox ( changind the word
email to mail ) also it's ok...

someone can explain what is going on ? it's seems to me a very strange
bug... but why yellow and not red ? :)



Sample Below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<html xmlns="">
<title> title </title>
<body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
<form name="xxx" method="post" action="xxx" >
textbox1 OK <input type="text" name="obj_456_4567_89012" /><br>
textbox2 NOT OK WHY YELLOW AS A BACKGROUND ??? <input type="text"
name="obj_123_4567_email" /><br>

I'm not an expert on the subject, but I don't think HTML 4 qualifies as
XML - XHTML was invented as a reformulation of HTML as XML. This may be the
problem (equally it may not :)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<html xmlns="">
W3Schools' XHTML tutorial may help -, and I suggest NCDesign for HTML
reference -

Also, have you tried viewing the page in another browser? (Such as
ozilla - The problem may well be with IE - it's not
exactly renowned for its standards compliance.

Hope this helps

-- Greg “who took the cork off my lunch” Nicholson
I have more information on this. I'm experiencing the same problem,
seemingly-arbitrary yellow background in certain HTML INPUT fields,
with IE version 6.0.2800.1106.

IE appears to be searching a hard-coded list of "entities" and
coloring INPUT fields accordingly if it finds a match.

- if NAME attribute of INPUT field contains string "email" it is
automatically colored yellow
- if NAME attribute of INPUT field contains string "phone" it is
automatically colored yellow

The following HTML demonstrates the problem:


Additionally, if the INPUT field is preceded by a text label
containing "email" or "phone", the field will be colored yellow *even
if* the NAME attribute of the INPUT field does not contain the string
"email" or "phone", as the following HTML demonstrates:

Email:&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=txt_test>

I tried overriding by using <INPUT ...
STYLE="background-color:FFFFFF"> but it has no effect.

This is a very, very lame problem, and I find it pathetic that I have
to deal with it. Any info/workarounds from anyone would be greatly

Thanks in advance,
H Leboeuf said:
Do you have google search bar?


Thank you for the information, that was exactly the problem. Google
toolbar has an autofill feature as well as a default setting to
"Automatically highlight fields that autofill can fill".

I switched that off and the yellow went away. Thanks again, you've
been very helpful.
