As Rick has already pointed out, any member of the Admins group can "unlock" the Shift key bypass.
To really lock an Access application down tight you need to implement full blown User Level Security
(ULS) with all the bells and whistles. ULS is a difficult subject to grasp the first time or two and
most everyone misses a step or two the first time out. Just take a look at the posts in the security
NG to see that first hand!
To fully understand ULS I would recommend ALL of the following study material:
Access User-Level Security:
Security FAQ (the Security Bible):
Jack Macdonald's Security Document:
Lynn Trapp's Ten Security Steps:
Joan Wild's Tips:
I also found the security chapter in the ADH book extremely helpful.
Practice on throw-away databases until you get everything down pat.
As you are applying security, set up RWOP queries for all data tables in the BE and deny all
permissions to the tables themselves. Create custom menu bars and toolbars and hide any built-in
Access ones. Lock things up tight under Tools | Startup and distribute MDE files to protect the
code. Also, create a distributed MDW file to give to users instead of the MDW file you used to
secure the database. Further, deny all groups and users various abilities to keep snoopers out. If
done properly there will be no one who is a member of the Admins group in the distributed MDW file
with the ability to do anything, so therefore no one can hold down the shift key to bypass your
Startup options.
Got all that?
Is this a lot of work? Yes!
Does it take a lot of time to get everything right? Yes!
Is this necessary in all cases of database development? Certainly not.
It all depends on WHAT you're trying to protect and WHO you're trying to protect it from.
But, even the most *secure* Access database can be hacked by a true determined hacker (or
cockroach). Whichever term you prefer.