Hello everyone,
sorry to invade your group. I'm only a casual VB programmer. I'm
usually using it to automate some simple text file I/O.
Sub testopenwebpage()
Const www = "http://www.eastbayexpress.com/issues/2003-09-17/music.html/1/index.html"
Dim EachLine
Open www For Input As #4
Do While Not EOF(4)
Line Input #4, EachLine
Debug.Print EachLine
Close #4
end sub
So, this is the basic code to read a local file but doesn't work for
accessing http files. Any suggestions? Tried to use FileCopy but that
didn't help either. It "can't find" the http file or says "bad file
name or number".
sorry to invade your group. I'm only a casual VB programmer. I'm
usually using it to automate some simple text file I/O.
Sub testopenwebpage()
Const www = "http://www.eastbayexpress.com/issues/2003-09-17/music.html/1/index.html"
Dim EachLine
Open www For Input As #4
Do While Not EOF(4)
Line Input #4, EachLine
Debug.Print EachLine
Close #4
end sub
So, this is the basic code to read a local file but doesn't work for
accessing http files. Any suggestions? Tried to use FileCopy but that
didn't help either. It "can't find" the http file or says "bad file
name or number".