Madhur Ahuja
Below error comes up on Winxp connecting to share on 2k.
logged on user on win 2k : *madhur <Administrator>*
There is an account in this machine named *sai <users>*
logged on user on win xp: *sai <Administrator>*
There is an account in this machine named *madhur<administrator>*
<share> is not accessible. you might not have permission to use this network
contact the administrator of this server to find our if you have access
multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user,
using more than one user name are nto allowed. disconnect
all previous connections to the server of shared resource and try again.
Winners dont do different things, they do things differently.
Madhur Ahuja
Homepage : http://madhur.netfirms.com
Email : madhur<underscore>ahuja<at>yahoo<dot>com
Below error comes up on Winxp connecting to share on 2k.
logged on user on win 2k : *madhur <Administrator>*
There is an account in this machine named *sai <users>*
logged on user on win xp: *sai <Administrator>*
There is an account in this machine named *madhur<administrator>*
<share> is not accessible. you might not have permission to use this network
contact the administrator of this server to find our if you have access
multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user,
using more than one user name are nto allowed. disconnect
all previous connections to the server of shared resource and try again.
Winners dont do different things, they do things differently.
Madhur Ahuja
Homepage : http://madhur.netfirms.com
Email : madhur<underscore>ahuja<at>yahoo<dot>com