This morning, for some unknown reason, it looks like the display on my
monitor has shifted slightly to the right. If I'm on full screen display:
the X on the top right corner is not visible; if there is a slider bar on the
right side, it's not visible either. I tied all available options for
display resolution and font size, but nothing. In order to see it all, I
have to redice the screen size, move it so the top left corner and expand it
from the bottom right corner until it's as full as the display. I have a
feeling that the fix is simple, I just can't figure it out, any suggesstions?
monitor has shifted slightly to the right. If I'm on full screen display:
the X on the top right corner is not visible; if there is a slider bar on the
right side, it's not visible either. I tied all available options for
display resolution and font size, but nothing. In order to see it all, I
have to redice the screen size, move it so the top left corner and expand it
from the bottom right corner until it's as full as the display. I have a
feeling that the fix is simple, I just can't figure it out, any suggesstions?