I need to know how to get a piece of code to run.
What i want to do is:-
from a raw data set pull out the top 5 items by company for each
company/entity/p&L combination, (there are 30 combinations) append these into
a table so that I can extract a table.
I can set up append queries but I dont want 30 append queries for each set
of items that I want to extract (there are 5 different data sets I need).
So, I came to the conclusion VB is the answer. I have some basic code that I
think will work converted from the SQL that the append query is written in. I
need to know where to set up the code (i.e. should it be a module or a class
module) and how to get it to run so that I can test if the code is correct
before writing much more.
I've tried pressing the play key in the VB viewer and I get a box that pops
up asking me to select a macro. If I type in a macro name and click create it
says "invalid procedure name"
Public Sub RecordSetFromSQL()
On Error GoTo cmdOK_Click_err
Dim strSql As String
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Is the start of the code......
Can anyone help me and/or tell me what I'm doing wrong?
What i want to do is:-
from a raw data set pull out the top 5 items by company for each
company/entity/p&L combination, (there are 30 combinations) append these into
a table so that I can extract a table.
I can set up append queries but I dont want 30 append queries for each set
of items that I want to extract (there are 5 different data sets I need).
So, I came to the conclusion VB is the answer. I have some basic code that I
think will work converted from the SQL that the append query is written in. I
need to know where to set up the code (i.e. should it be a module or a class
module) and how to get it to run so that I can test if the code is correct
before writing much more.
I've tried pressing the play key in the VB viewer and I get a box that pops
up asking me to select a macro. If I type in a macro name and click create it
says "invalid procedure name"
Public Sub RecordSetFromSQL()
On Error GoTo cmdOK_Click_err
Dim strSql As String
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Is the start of the code......
Can anyone help me and/or tell me what I'm doing wrong?