Help!! Ris Error: Pxe-t01 File Not Found

Oct 11, 2007
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Hi all:

I am having this problem wiht a machine that I am trying to install with my RIS server, which worked fine before.

I get the following message on the machine I am trying to install an image from my RIS server:

(the message comes right after it gets an IP ADDRESS from DHCP

PXE-E3B:TFTP error -file not found.

Dhcp and RIS are on different servers. I dont know what changed for last week it was working ok.

This weekend some patches got installed so I uninstalled them to no succes.

Thank you in advance for any ideas!!
More information on the case:

According to Microsofts article number 222177 this errror happens when some files in the RIS server ar missing or corrupted. Their resolution is to replace those files from another location on the same server. I did that but no success.

I also checked the configuration on the DHCP server in Scope Options, option 066 Boot server host name and it had the IP ADDRESS of the DHCP I dont know if this was always like this, but I tried changing it to the IP Address of the RIS server, and restarting both servers, to no success either.

The Network card I am using on the client is a 3COM one which before worked with no problem with this Ris server. I have also tried with other machines to find if the problem lies with the specific machine, but no success either.

I am really running out of ideas here, and would appreciate if any ideas come up.
