T5 posted:
"I will forget all of the posts that advise me to use 3rd party partition
progs etc etc and just hit the
button to install, is that correct?"
Yes that's correct. And setup will allow you to have a choice of where you
want to install Vista. It will allow you to select that 265GB space you
have as I've told you several times today--this being the last. Be prepared
that setup will take a while depending entirely on your hardware. It could
be as fast as close to 30 minutes or it could take longer.
***********T5 you don't need third party*********** Again that's you don't
need third party. However I'm sure that Partition Magic, and the rest of
the usual suspect have features that Disk Management doesn't have but it
sure now has the main one you need.
Given that as we've said that Disk Management in Vista (I put up three
links on this) will allow you to do it later. The posts that advised you to
use third party on the first thread, mine included were well meaning, but
because this is new in Vista, many of us had not tried Disk Management to
learn it is now able to expand and shrink partitions without losing
material. ***Now we know.***
But as far as I know setup in Vista that will now allow you to partition is
***not*** going to preserve old material. That would be nice but it isn't.
So just go into setup from your XP Pro and you'll have Vista. running and
on the second screen you will get a chance right on the bottom of that
screen to choose putting Vista on the space *other than XP Pro is on** 15
GB if I remember is the other space that XP Pro occupies on your pc. You
don't want to try resizing partitions in setup because setup, unless I'm
wrong won't save your XP. ***It isn't "fault tolerant" but now Disk
Management is.*** Fault Tolerant can mean a lot of things, but in respect
to file systems, it is just the ITesque term that means your material, data,
ect. on the drive will be preserved as opposed to erased.
I typed this on a prior post, and did not assume you knew how
diskmanagement worked--whether it was reasd or not is a whole other
You want to put Vista on a dual boot. You have two opportunities to resize
or partition that remaining 265GB. 1) During Vista setup 2) Using
diskmgmt.msc in the Vista run box--Diskmanagement in Vista. DM in Vista is
now fault tolerant--meaning you won't lose information when you resize
partitions with it (expand/shrink) See:
Windows Vista Windows Vista Tips & Tricks: Resize Partitions
Let's Do It:
***Simply get to your XP desktop. Then put in the Vista DVD. You are going
to see the blue Vista setup screen. You will have the option to put it on
that space (Condi Mud Wrestles Star Jones--isn't that it's name?)*** Give
yourself some time to enjoy Vista. Then later when you decide for whatever
reasons you want to carve up that generous space of 265GB--perhaps you will
want to put a later version of Vista on it--perhaps you will want to put a
64 bit version of it besides an X86 version if you have the hardware--you
can take your time and think about how you want to use Disk Management to
divide that space.
It's time for you to stop kvetching and just enjoy Vista. Believe me those
of us who have used it for months are discovering new features we didn't
know existed. I've seen features discussed in the new books out on Vista
that haven't had a letter typed on them in the Beta groups because the TBTs
aren't aware they exist. I've seen features discussed at ISV meetings that
haven't had a scintilla of mention on the Beta groups.So get workin' on your
Vista. I don't understand why you aren't enjoying it by now.
If you take your time, as John Barnes said and think about the simple facts
that are the components of your problem--then post them--you'd save yourself
ane everyone else a lot of time and confusion. You have a ton of talent up
here at your disposal who will do all they can to help you who have a lot of
MSFT resources at their fingertips but making them guess what your doing
just wastes time.
You were simply asked to clarify. I supose you had this good sized HD and
wanted to dual boot but to this moment I'm not sure. When it's not clear,
we're reduced to hypothesizing likely scenarios to solve your problem which
has spanned two threads and (34) thirty-four counting this one, posts.
At no time would any reader of the posts other than yourself perceive from
them that I "summised" that you knew how to use Disk Manager and if you
didn't, why didn't you post the unique question "How does disk management"
work. I must have posted 3 links on how it works with screenshots and
psssst T5 have you ever heard of
1) clicking Help on Diskmgmt 2) going to Window XP Help and Support by
typing helpctr.exe in run or clicking Help and Support and typing in Disk
Management 3) Going to
http://support.microsoft.com and typing Disk
Management in search.
Frankly some of the MSKBs are written in the least user friendly way
possible; some aren't. It depends on the writer on the team's grasp
sometimes of the world that awaits him or her when they pull their care off
the Redmond campus.
The very important point is that once you put Vista on that big space you
have besides XP Diskmanagement in Vista now allows you to resize partitions
and make them without losing your data. That's a big plus and a nice
improvement over XP. You should have it made in the shade now.
P.S. I have never made a statement about proficiency or whether questions
are "dumb." But you need to learn to say "I want to dual boot Vista and I
have XP Pro on C:\ or whatever drive that is 15GB and I have remaining space
of 265GB, Can you show me the steps to get this done?" That simple
sentence would have been all you needed.