Help requested for nested conditional formulas referencing other c

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bermie
  • Start date Start date


Hello--i can better explain the problem with an example:

24h 1wk change
Person A 1 0 -1
Person B 0 1 1
Person C 0 0 0
Person D 0.25 0.25 0
Person E 0.5
Person F 1 0.5 -0.5
Person G 0 0.75 0.75

What I am trying to do is make three equations:
1 to calculate the average of the values in the 24h column, IF the value is
NOT equal to zero, which I have accomplished with the array formula:
{=AVERAGE(IF(B2:B8>0, B2:B8, ""))}

here's where things get difficult--now, I want to find the average of the
values in the 1wk column, only if either the values in the 24h OR 1 wk column
are not zero, so the value, in this case, would be=0.5 (from averaging Person
A, B, D, F, and G's 1 wk values). I tried with the following formula:

{=AVERAGE(IF(OR(B2:B8>0, C2:C8>0), C2:C8, ""))}, but it returns 0.4167
(using the same function, but with countif instead of average, it returns 6
instead of returning 5, so it's adding an extra person's value), so i need
help in retifying this error.

Also, even more difficult:
Finally, i'd like to find the average of the amount of change, ONLY IF
either the 24h or the 1 wk values are not zero, so, in this case, the value
should equal 0.05 (the average change of person A, B, D, F, and G), however,
with the formula:

{=AVERAGE(IF(OR(B2:B8>0, C2:C8>0), D2:D8, ""))}, i get 0.04167 (again, the
count function gives me 6 instead of 5). I also tried it with the formula:

{=AVERAGE(IF(OR(OFFSET(D2:D8, 0,-2)>0, OFFSET(D2:D8, 0, -1)>0), D2:D8,
""))}, to the same avail.

Basically, how do i tell it to ONLY COUNT/AVERAGE a value in column D
(change) if either the 24h column (B) or the 1wk column (C) is not zero (will
never be negative, which is why I don't have <>0 at the end. I tried it with
the not(X=0) function as well, to no avail)?

When I trace the function, all of the true/false variables are
correct--however, I believe it is actually computing an overall true/false
for the entire "if" and then running the function to calculate the average
for every variable in the respective column (e.g., D2:8) instead of
calculating the average for the cell where the two preceding fit my criteria
(e.g., D2,D3,D5,D7,D8). I basically want it to test the if for two cells in
a row (B2, C2), and, if true, then include D2 in the calculation for the
average of column D, when there is a value other than zero for the preceding
columns (which is why I tried the OFFSET function, but I still got the same
end result).

Also, it does not make a different if I change the order of functions in
terms fo the end results I obtain:
=IF(OR(x,y), AVERAGE(z), "") gives me the same value as
=AVERAGE(IF(OR(x,y), z, "")

Any help is GREATLY appreciated as I am about to lose my mind (keep in mind,
i'm actually working with about 1000 rows on my spreadsheet, so it's not
something I can really do by hand, like in this example of only 7 rows)
You cannot use Boolean functions (AND, OR, NOT) within an array formula
So use =AVERAGE(IF((B2:B8>0)*( C2:C8>0), C2:C8, "")) needs to be array
The multiplication is equivalent to Add (addition would emulate OR)

This non-array formula also works
as does this non-array formula in XL 2007

best wishes
And for part 2, this array formula (watch the parentheses !!)
best wishes
Hi Bernard,

thanks for your suggestions. I've halfway reached my goal now--let me

The =AVERAGE(IF((B2:B8>0)+( C2:C8>0), D2:D8, "")) worked for the fourth
(change) column and correctly returned the average and count (when changing
the "average" function to "count"), after I used the + (OR) instead of *
(which served as the AND boolean and only returned values for the two
instances where both 24h and 1 wk are not 0). However, I am still getting a
value of 6 (when I should be getting 5) for the middle column of data
(C2:C8). When I evaluated the formula, it is because it is assigning the
blank cell (C6) a value of 0, so both the count and average functions are
then off (it returns 6 and 0.42 instead of the correct 5 and 0.5)

Although you can't see it, I have the change column (D) calculating as :
=IF(C2="", "", C2-B2) (and so on), so it automatically recognizes it as
blank, which is maybe why the equation works for this column, but not the
For column C (1wk), I do not have any code inserted (as the values for
column B (24h) and C (1wk) are manually entered as we receive them, or left
blank if unavailable). For some reason, during evaluation, it is
counting/averaging the blank cells as 0 (I though "count" and "average" were
not supposed to do this???)

Is there anyway to fix this?

(From your second response, I can't really use the code "manually" deriving
averages (such as sums/counts), because I also change code as needed for max,
min, percentiles, st dev and st errors). Also, the code I'm using has to
work in both excel 2003 and 2007, as worksheets are shared at work and not
all computers have the same version installed, so i'm reluctant to enter a
2007 code.

Thanks again and in advance for any additional suggestions!