Your hard drive foramatted FAT32?
Search for Recycle Bin.;EN-US;KBHOWTO
Ctrl + F for recycle bin
I waste very little time on the RECYCLED folder as there is only one reason
to have XP and a FAT32 formatted hard drive; dual booting with an older OS.
Here's some that I am not going to edit.
Recycle Bin RECYCLER
%systemdrive%\RECYCLER\Your SID # is YOUR Recycle Bin.
This is MY SID #
This is MY Recycle Bin
For me, looking in
is the same thing as me looking in the Recycle Bin on my Desktop. Both
folders contain the same deleted items.
Each hard disk or partition contains a hidden folder named Recycler. The
Recycler folder is used only on NTFS partitions. On FAT32 the RECYCLED
folder is used. The Recycler folder contains a Recycle Bin for each user
that logs on to the computer, sorted by their security identifier (SID).
Windows allocates one Recycle Bin for each partition or hard disk. If your
hard disk is partitioned, or if you have more than one hard disk in your
computer, you can specify a different size for each Recycle Bin.
When you delete a file, the complete path and file name is stored in a
hidden file called Info2.
You can configure the drives Recycle Bin Properties independently or use one
setting for all drives. Right click Recycle Bin | Properties | Global tab |
* Configure drives independently
* Use one setting for all drives
* Do not move files to the Recycle Bin
* Maximum size of Recycle Bin (percent of each drive)
* Display delete confirmation dialog
With at least one folder with the SID #
for every user on the machine.
If there is only one user, then there is only one
SID # folder. That SID # folder is the Recycle Bin.
Security identifiers (SIDs) are numeric values that identify a user or
Keep in mind that this is MY SID#
This pasted in Start | Run opens the desktop.ini file....
That is the only way I know how to find and open that particular desktop.ini
When you delete a file, the complete path and file name is stored in a
hidden file called Info2.
This pasted in Start | Run...
will open the Open With applet that you can then use to select Notepad to
open the INFO2 file if you so desire.
If I paste this into the Run command (Start | Run ) and click OK
the Open With applet comes up.
Select Notepad and click OK or just double click on Notepad from the list.
INFO2 opens.
Or you can do this in a command prompt...
start C:\RECYCLER\S-1-5-21-1708537768-1580436667-1202660629-1003\info2
the Open With applet comes up.
Select Notepad and click OK or just double click on Notepad from the list.
INFO2 opens.
My info2 right now, this minute. My Recycle Bin contains one item.
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
C : \ D o c u m e n t s a n d S e t t i n g s \ A l l U s e r s \ A p
p l i c a t i o n D a t a \ G r i s o f t \ A v g 7 D a t a \ a v g 7 u p
d \ $ h i s t o r y \ 2 0 0 6 - 1 2 - 0 7 - - 1 4 - 5 8 - 1 4
Hope this helps. Let us know.
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User