HELP Rebooting



I installed a fresh copy of Win XP Pro for a friend of mine and all
was working well. I set it home with her and she attempted to install
her HP scanner. The computer is now constantly rebooting and I can't
even get into the safe mode.
I need help to stop the rebooting so I can at least get into the safe
mode and make an attempt to remove the software she loaded.
I have a CD copy of XP and get into that, but if I try for any type of
"safe mode" or the last best boot etc.. it just does a constant
Any help would be appreciated.

Dan (Still going in circles)

Walter Clayton

Use the "last known good configuration" option, then disable automatic
restart on system control panel applet->advanced->start up and


Thank you for getting back to me.
The problem is that I get rebooted no matter what I select. I wish I
could get a good boot, just one then I could do as you say but I have
no luck.
I am going to try and do a repair on the system and hope that fixes
it, other wise I have no option but to wipe out the drive and start
all over again. for the third time

Use the "last known good configuration" option, then disable automatic
restart on system control panel applet->advanced->start up and

Dan (Still going in circles)

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