Access Help querying MS Access

Nov 22, 2005
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I have two linked tables as follows:

Table 1

Main Service ID (primary key)
Main Service

Table 2

Sub Service ID (primary key)
Sub Service
Main Service ID (foreign key)

one-to-many relationship

I would like to query the tables, so you search on the Sub Service and it returns all of the Main Services it come under. I would like this query to run off an Input Box that will allow me to type in the Sub Service or a word.

I have managed to get the Input Box, by putting the following code into the criteria :InputBox («prompt», «title», «default», «xpos», «ypos»). But when I type something in the search fails. I have chopped and changed the fields I search on, but can't get it quite right.

Can anyone help me on what fields to choose and what I need to set in the criteria to get the search running properly from the input box?

Also is there any way to program Access or VB to return the results in a message box e.g. **** is a Sub Service of ***** - listing all main services it appears under?

Any help is most appreciated,

