HELP: Queries and subqueries


VB Programmer

I was continually getting an error in Access about "ambiguous outer joins."
It recommends to "create a separate query that performs the first join and
then include that query in your SQL statement."

How do I create the same query in ADO.NET? Not sure if I can create a
separate subquery, etc...

Should I simply call the Access query? Is there another way???

Here are the table links:
Employees (1 to many) DailyStatusSessions
Stores (1 to many) DailyStatusSessions

I want the first link to be a LEFT JOIN, but this is where I encounter the
"ambiguous out joins" error.

Here is the SQL Statement:
SELECT DISTINCT [Employees].[FirstName] & ' ' & [Employees].[LastName] AS
FROM Stores INNER JOIN (Employees LEFT JOIN DailyStatusSessions ON
Employees.EmployeeId = DailyStatusSessions.EmployeeId) ON Stores.StoreId =

William \(Bill\) Vaughn

ADO has no query engine. It (like Access) calls on the JET database engine
to do all the queries. While Access did provide some expression/function
enhancements, what you're doing should not pose any problems for ADO. Simply
pass this query to ADO in a CommandText string.


William (Bill) Vaughn
Author, Mentor, Consultant
Microsoft MVP
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