rosecat said:
My start menu is past full. Can I move all my game program files into 1
program folder? And if I can move them, is that doing it through "" My
Computer, Local Disk (C), Program Files, make a new folder and name it,
add all my game program files to it"", I have over 100 different games.
help I would be very thankful.
It isn't your Program Files folder that needs to be organized. It's the
folders that make up your Start menu.
Right click on your Start button and select Explore from the menu.
Right click on your Start button again except this time select Explore All
from the menu.
You should now have these two folders opened (substituting the name of your
account where it says YourAccount).
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu
C:\Documents and Settings\YourAccount\Start Menu
Your start menu is constructed by combining the content of these two
You can organize them just as you would any folder on your computer. Create
subfolders in the Programs folder to group different types of games.
You can move program shortcuts into any folder you want.
Take a look at the second part of this article, Reorganize the folders in
All Programs menu, for more information.
Customize your Start menu
Good luck