HELP program dont work any more



i have xp on my computer which came with it installed already my add remove
program will not open any more and it disapared from my control panel ive
tried several things and nothing im afraid if i keep messing around ill mess
up the whole computer what do i do??? i dont have a disc to reinstall


Try this. I know it works on windows 2000.
1. Click Start, and then click Run.
2. In the Open box, type cmd, and then press ENTER.
3. In the Command window, type regsvr32 mshtml.dll, and then press
4. Click OK to confirm that the registry entry has been added.
5. In the Command window, type regsvr32 shdocvw.dll -i, and then press
6. Click OK to confirm that the registry entry has been added.
7. In the Command window, type regsvr32 shell32.dll -i, and then press
8. Click OK to confirm that the registry entry has been added.
9. Close the Command window.

Leonard Grey

Hi Deb:

Start the Add or Remove Programs applet manually as follows:
Start > Run > type: appwiz.cpl > click OK.
If the Add or Remove applet starts, then it's still on your computer.

If Add or Remove doesn't start, replace it as follows:
Start > Run > type: msconfig > click OK > General tab > click on Expand
File. You need to expand the file appwiz.cpl from C:\I386 to

If appwiz.cpl is located in C:\Windows\System32 it should appear in
Control Panel automatically. Otherwise you may need to edit the
registry. BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL to follow directions exactly when editing
the registry. These directions were taken from Kelley's Korner:

Start > Run > type: regedit > click OK.

Go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\don't load

Look in the right pane and you'll see the Control Panel Icons that have
been disabled. You can either right click on the "don't load" subkey and
select Delete to restore all disabled icons, or you can right click on
each of the items in the right pane and select Delete to selectively
restore them. Scroll up to Control Panel Applets for a listing of what
each one is.

The change will be seen the next time you open Control Panel.


i have xp on my computer which came with it installed already my add remove
program will not open any more and it disapared from my control panel ive
tried several things and nothing im afraid if i keep messing around ill mess
up the whole computer what do i do??? i dont have a disc to reinstall

How about some punctuation so I can tell where one sentence ends and
another one begins?

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