help please

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could any one help me. first should movie maker 2 say movie maker 2 or will it show up just like movie maker 1.
2nd when i try to use the effects and play it back to see what it looks like, it will not play them. but when i record on to my video cam it will record the effect. can this be fixed ?
Hello there,

could any one help me. first should movie maker 2 say movie maker 2 or
will it show up just like movie maker 1.
2nd when i try to use the effects and play it back to see what it looks
like, it will not play them. but when i record on to my video cam it will
record the effect. can this be fixed ?

To determine which version of movie maker you are using, run the program
and click on HELP > ABOUT. You will also see info about your operating
system being version 5.1 Don't confuse that with the preceding info about
Movie Maker.

Viewing a video in preview uses a different methodology than when creating
the final product. For the preview problem it could be caused by not having
an up to date graphics card or driver, or, it could mean you have a codec

The codec problem can be proved/disproved by downloading the program Rename
Codecs from my website. Make sure to look at the Tutorial on how it works
before embarking on that route...the tutorial is also on my website and is
partly interactive...clicking on tabs and buttons shows the result

If rename codecs does not work for you then try checking out what driver is
installed for your graphics card. If your card is less than 2 maybe 3 years
old it should be capable of what's required, so you are in with a chance by
getting the latest driver for it.

On the subject of graphics card drivers. On the machine I mess around with
for editing video and the like I have a quite expensive video card which is
extremely fast. And for several weeks after first getting it I had loads of
irritating problems with it. All of them were solved when I came to
understand that downloading the latest driver from Microsoft is not
necessarily a good option. That was what I had always done and saw no
reason to change. I eventually took the card back to the store, explained
the problem and was immediately given the solution (This was a specialist
store not the likes of Best Buy, Circuit City or PC World etc)

Basically I had failed to read the paperwork properly. I should have
downloaded my driver from the Card Manufacturer. The reason is obvious now
of course...the card is very fast because the manufacturer applied their
own algorithms to the standard chipset and using the drivers from Microsoft
or NVidia was a NO NO.

So, before you install any new driver please make sure that you have
correctly created a Restore Point and make sure that you have your existing
driver on a disk somewhere before you apply any new driver to your card.
Also, and before you apply any new driver, check out the dialogue boxes
associated with installing a new driver so that you are familiar with the
option of rolling back to a previous driver.
Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
ok thanks for you reply. i went in to check to see what i have. do u know what it would said if i had mm2. i tryed what u said and it did not work. i did'nt have this problem befor. it use to work fine. my computer is about 1yr old. any other suggestions. thanks so much
Hi there,

Underneath the blue header of the about box there are four lines of text.
The bottom line tells you what version of Movie Maker you are using. Mine
says, "Movie Maker Version 2.0.3312.0.

When you say you tried what I said and it did not work, were you referring
to updating your graphics card driver or running the program Rename Codecs?

Once you have eliminated both possibilities, if you can make a written not
of everything you do that leads up to the failure and then post that here
we may be able to help further. We would also want to know how much RAM,
what CPU you have and its speed and what size hard drive you have together
with how much free space there is and finally the make and model of your
graphics card.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work