Hi, I just had a problem I could not solve on my own.
My cd writer was not recognized by XP home edition
I listed my problem on Windows XP Hardware newsgroup, got one reply and it didn't solv
my problem. In desperation I poked around the Control Panel
until I stumbled on Help and Support Centre. I asked for support and within less then 24 hours
they e-mailed a procedure which solved my problem
If you would like to get support to solve your problem, left click on:
START>Control Panel>Help and Support (on left panel)
Get support (on right panel)>Get help from (on left panel)>>Ask support professional for help (on right panel) then answer a series of questions
Just in case you want to use the procedure that solved my problem,
I'm including it here as a combination of two procedures, one from Help Centre
and one I found posted by Anonymous on Windows XP Hardware newsgroup
I made it a bit more user friendly but lengthy. Hope you don't mind. All the best, Ada
What to do if CD Writer is not recognized by Windows XP home edition
I suggest that you print the following procedure and work from paper copy
In case you don't know how to copy and print text,
point cursor at top left of the text to print (When you loaded XP, etc),
press and hold mouse's left button, drag the cursor to the right of the screen
and then to the bottom right of the text
release left button, right click anywhere on the text, point cursor at word Copy
and left click on it once.
Open Notepad by left clicking on Start>All Programs>Accessories>Notepad
Point cursor at top left of the blank page and right click. Left click on word Paste
Text should appear on the Notepad's blank page.
To print left click on File (top left)>Print>Print button
This text fits on one page, but only if you print starting with the next sentence
When you loaded XP, was cd burning software like Easy CD Creator loaded on the computer
Was your CD writer listed in the BIOS? (BIOS is in white writing on black background
right after computer starts up and before Windows XP loads up
Is it absent from the Device Manager
To check left click on: Start>Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Computer Management
Device Manager>Plus sign to the left of DVD/CD-ROM DRIVE
Minimize the Computer Management window, you will need it later
You are unable to load a new driver
Reloading cd burning software doesn't make any difference
Yes to all of the above means the culprits are the Upper/Lower Filters
1. Uninstall any cd burning software from the system
Then reboot by left clicking on: START>TURN OFF COMPUTER>RESTAR
2. Left click START>RUN, Type regedit , left click OK, to open the Registry Editor
To expand each line, left click on + (plus sign) to the left of each of the following:
Find and highlight (left click) on the line: {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318
3. To save this file to the Desktop, in case this procedure does not work
Right click on {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}, then left click on EXPORT
Left click on {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} in Export Registry Fil
to highlight it, this will place this line in File Name box, left click on Save. Close Export Registry File
4. With the {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}key still
blue on the left hand panel of Registry Editor,
look on the right hand panel under Name for an entry for Upper Filters. Delete Upper Filters
To delete, right click on Upper Filters, left click on Delete
If there is an entry for Lower Filters, delete them as well
Right click on Lower Filters, left click on Delete. Close the Registry Editor
5. To restart the machine left click on: START>TURN OFF COMPUTER>RESTART
To see if your cd writer is in Device Manager left click on the minimized
Comuter Management icon in bottom bar or left click on
Start>Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Computer Management>>Device Manager>Plus sign to the left of DVD/CD-ROM DRIVES
Right click on your CD Writer and left click on Uninstall.
Left click OK on Confirm Device Removal dialog box. This removes your CD Writer from
the computer, so software can do the procedure of locating newly installed devices.
Now right click on your computer's name at the top of the tree on right hand panel
of Computer Management window, to the right of an icon of a computer,
left click on: Scan For Hardware Changes. This reinstalls your cd writer on your computer.
6. Reinstall cd burning software and check that your cd writer works OK.