I have recently experienced a complete meltdown of my laptop. Everytime i try to turn it on, first it says i had a problem with the last logoff and it gave me choices like safe startup, regular, etc., and no matter what i choose, it starts logging on, and before i can see the background on the desktop, it says registry error c000028 and then goes black and trys to log on again, with the same thing happening over and over again. I sat at my desk for about a half hour trying everything i could. It wont even get to the desktop!! What do i do? Is there a way to wipe the computer with its power off? How can i fix this horrible problem?
Info on my laptop: It's a 2001 IBM Thinkpad t30 its really old it runs Windows XP Professional.
Some one please help me with this horrible problem.
Info on my laptop: It's a 2001 IBM Thinkpad t30 its really old it runs Windows XP Professional.
Some one please help me with this horrible problem.