Help Please



Have I this code that executes on open and updates all worksheets, I don't
want to update the Worksheets that have a STARTDATE greater 01/01/2007 (Cell

thanks in advance

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim MyItem As Double, MyItem2 As Double, MyItem3 As Double, sh As
Worksheet, ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If IsEmpty(Range("D3").Value) Then
MyItem = Month(Now) / 12 * Range("G4").Value
MyItem = (Month(Range("D3").Value) - Month(Range("b3").Value) + 1)
/ 12 * Range("G4").Value
End If
Range("G8").Value = MyItem
If IsEmpty(Range("D3").Value) Then
MyItem2 = Month(Now) / 12 * Range("G5").Value
MyItem2 = (Month(Range("D3").Value) - Month(Range("b3").Value) +
1) / 12 * Range("G5").Value
End If
Range("G13").Value = MyItem2
If IsEmpty(Range("D3").Value) Then
MyItem3 = Year(Now) - Year(Range("B1"))
MyItem3 = Year(Range("B1")) - Year(Range("D3"))
End If

Next ws
On Error Resume Next
For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
sh.OLEObjects("label1").Visible = sh.Range("D3").Value <> ""
Next sh
End Sub

JE McGimpsey

One way:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Const dtSTARTDATE = #1/1/2007#
Dim dTemp As Double
Dim MyItem As Double
Dim MyItem2 As Double
Dim MyItem3 As Double
Dim ws As Worksheet

For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
With ws
If .Range("D2").Value > dtSTARTDATE Then
If IsEmpty(.Range("D3").Value) Then
dTemp = Month(Date) / 12
MyItem = dTemp * .Range("G4").Value
MyItem2 = dTemp * .Range("G5").Value
MyItem3 = Year(Date) - Year(Range("B1").Value)
dTemp = (Month(.Range("D3").Value) - _
Month(.Range("B3").Value) + 1) / 12
MyItem = dTemp * .Range("G4").Value
MyItem2 = dTemp * .Range("G5").Value
MyItem3 = Year(Range("B1").Value) - _
End If
.Range("G8").Value = MyItem
.Range("G13").Value = MyItem2
.OLEObjects("label1").Visible = _
(.Range("D3").Value <> vbNullString)
End If
End With
Next ws
End Sub

Note that MyItem3 doesn't get used, even though it's calculated...

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