help please!!

Jan 3, 2007
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hi,i seem to be having trouble booting up my pc...ive tried loading the recovery disk and floppy to get it back to factory setting's but i keep getting a message saying "not reading drive" y "port,retry,fail...ive tried both drives on my pc but getting the same there any way to get my pc running again...the recovery disk and floppy disk is the original ones i got with pc...hope someone can help me out with this big problem....thank's john.....{the pc is a tiny,and its a desktop pc)...
If you can give more info on your system it will help the guys help you .
Are Your Drives Registering In Cmos?
-on most pc,s hitting "del" when you first turn it on will open cmos.
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hi,i'm new to computers,could u please tell me what cmos is ..u know when u sometimes have to shut down the pc using the power button ,and when u boot up it goes to "reading c drive for errors"..well after a couple of minutes i get a blue screen saying cant read c drive ..".sounds expensive to me"...hope u guys can maybe help me sort this problem out.kind regards john.
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Abarbarian said:
If you can give more info on your system it will help the guys help you .
Yes FULL system specs & model of pc would help!!!!!
Was Windows ME installed when you got the pc??
Or did some one install it over 98SE??
theted said:
hi,i'm new to computers,could u please tell me what cmos is ..u know when u sometimes have to shut down the pc using the power button ,and when u boot up it goes to "reading c drive for errors"..well after a couple of minutes i get a blue screen saying cant read c drive ..".sounds expensive to me"...hope u guys can maybe help me sort this problem out.kind regards john.

CMOS or BIOS is the first screen you see when you turn the pc on, before windows loads, It runs a quick POST (Power On Self Test) This checks that your pc's 'bits' are ok.

From what you said above it sounds like your hard drive is dead or dying maybe. :(

Also if you dont know what your pc is have a read of the link below, for help.
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thats what it was vr...the drives knackerd...i put my pals drive in the slot and everthing was ok...need to have a look in ebay for a new dvd-rw...thanks for all you're help guy's....learning all the time....:user: theted
I Would Just Like To Point Out That If The Drive Is Being Detected It May Be Possible To Restore It By Using A Lazer Cleaning Disk Kit.IT COULD BE JUST DIRTY.
thanks for the info jim, yes the drive was being detected,Anyway i managed to get a brand new pioneer dvd-rw for £26 deliverd...:thumb: all the best..theted
You said in your earlier post it was the 'C' Drive, meaning the hard drive not the DVD Drive.
"reading c drive for errors"..well after a couple of minutes i get a blue screen saying cant read c drive
So it was the DVD drive then? Oh well that s better than it being the Hard disk!
a bit of a mix up there vr..just hope i can fit the dvd-rw :confused: thanks for that bit of s/w that tells u whats in the computer...kind regard's theted:)
bad news,i turned on the pc today and there was a burning smell so i switched off pc and had a look inside but could'nt see any burning so i tried to switch it back on but it wouldn't start up..i tried another power lead but the pc is dead..there was click from pc b4 in cut u think the hard drive is the problem vr....any help would be appreciated...thanks theted:(