Glad to be of service!
"Jimmy S." <Private> wrote in message | Hi j,
| You're in luck. In the past, I've been offering a Multi
| bootdisk solution, which essentially is a diskette you
| can boot from to have a real DOS environment to be
| able to play DOS games in. However, ideally it would
| be nice to be able to create that environment inside of
| XP. This can be done using VM Ware, but it's costly.
| Two (free/shareware) solutions exist: DOSBOX is one:
| of them:
| and TameDos was brought to my attention by Chris H.:
| Give us some feedback on those. Which one did you
| find the easiest to use; most adaptable; the fastest?
| --
| Cheers,
| Jimmy S.
| Additional Support Resources: My Helpsite:
| Microsoft Online Tech Support:
| Game FAQ's:;[LN];gms
| My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any rights.
| _________________________________________________________
| | I'm attempting to run moo 1 on win xp home is
| | a dos based program the requires ems. i've tried several
| | places and several pieces of advice and the game still
| | tells me that i need a ems driver...i've downloaded one
| | but it doesn't seem to do anything. any advice appreciated