
ok, basicly my computers a moron. i play this game runescape ok, and i cant
play it because my pc wont let me run "activex" on my pc. it says its not
safe and iv been looking round my pc for a buton to unblock it or what ever,
and i cant find anything!...ok so basicly can sum1 tel me how i can make my
pc use "activex" on my pc??!!...i need to know asap...also btw, i had my pc
and i culd play the game on it, but then i changed to a dif harddrive and got
more space, so prety much started al over with fresh eqipment, downloaded
everything i want already. and here i cant play the 1 thing that i always do
bcs my pc has a stupid control thingy stoping it from usin
"axtivex"!!!!!...GRRR...HELP PLZ...


Like, you need to stop playing games and go back to school,
ok, so you can get a decent job once u like learn to use ok
grammar, spelling and punctuation.

If you are able to, read the following information from
Microsoft in setting up the various zones for ActiveX
This tells you all about the security you need to set for
various areas of the computer.

Computers are morons. They are only as smart as their
operators. (When I was working on mainframe systems this
used to be "only as smart as their programmers" but since
the advent of PCs this has definitely changed.

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