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  • Thread starter Thread starter Gary Nelson
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Gary Nelson

in Access2000, I have the following code that is not working properly - can
someone tell me how to fix it?

OnTime: IIf([DaysDiff]<=3 True,[DaysDiff]>3=False)

Here's what I am attempting to do. We have three days to process an order
from the date we receive it and enter it into our database and ship it. I
have the code to determine how many days it takes to have the order shipped.
Now I need to show all orders that were shipped 3 or less days were on time,
and I want to show a value of True. All orders that shipped in >3 days were
late and I want a value of False to appear.

This is the code I have that gives the number of days it took to process the
order from the DateIn (received).

DaysDiff: [DueDate]-[ShipDate]
That worked great - thank you.

Now for the next hurdle - in Access 2000, is there a way to set a date range
in a query?

I really appreciate your help.

Les said:
-----Original Message-----
in Access2000, I have the following code that is not working properly - can
someone tell me how to fix it?

OnTime: IIf([DaysDiff]<=3 True,[DaysDiff]>3=False)

Here's what I am attempting to do. We have three days to process an order
from the date we receive it and enter it into our database and ship it. I
have the code to determine how many days it takes to have the order shipped.
Now I need to show all orders that were shipped 3 or less days were on time,
and I want to show a value of True. All orders that shipped in >3 days were
late and I want a value of False to appear.

This is the code I have that gives the number of days it took to process the
order from the DateIn (received).

DaysDiff: [DueDate]-[ShipDate]

You can set up a "parameter query". You are selecting
based on your field, datein, I assume. You will have
datein as one of the fields selected in your query. In
the criteria, type something like the following:

Between [Enter start date] and [Enter end date]

When you run the query, you will get a pop-up box with a
message to "Enter start date". Once a start date is keyed
in, you'll get another pop-up box to "Enter end date".
Once that is filled in, your query should run, selecting
all rows where the datein field has a value between the
dates that you keyed in.

Good luck.
-----Original Message-----
That worked great - thank you.

Now for the next hurdle - in Access 2000, is there a way to set a date range
in a query?

I really appreciate your help.


-----Original Message-----
in Access2000, I have the following code that is not working properly - can
someone tell me how to fix it?

OnTime: IIf([DaysDiff]<=3 True,[DaysDiff]>3=False)

Here's what I am attempting to do. We have three days
process an order
from the date we receive it and enter it into our database and ship it. I
have the code to determine how many days it takes to
the order shipped.
Now I need to show all orders that were shipped 3 or
days were on time,
and I want to show a value of True. All orders that shipped in >3 days were
late and I want a value of False to appear.

This is the code I have that gives the number of days
took to process the
order from the DateIn (received).

DaysDiff: [DueDate]-[ShipDate]

