I have decided to take a break from the surgery taking place in the
OR. Im building a computer - all new parts. At one time earlier today
i had it running and i was in setup. I soon fell asleep and woke up to
a blank screen with the computer still on. Later on there was a loud
bang no smoke though. (No idea as to what that was RIP
I am going nuts trying to guess whats next. I have a phat 19inch Benq
LCD monitor which displays quickly after powering on - "No signal".
I obviously do not have clue on how to build a computer ortherwise
mine would be working! Any help, troubleshooting guide would be
helpful....my stats:
Antec Sonata LS138 - 380 Watt
Asus P5GD1
Intel Pentium 4 - 3 GHZ, 800GHZ, 1MB L2 cache
ATI Radeonx - 300 SE, 128 MB DDR
Maxtor Hard Drive - Dimond Max +9, 200GB,
DDR RAM - 2 Kingston512, 2 Samsung512
Audiofile 2496
Benq LCD 19"
Benq DVD Writer
OR. Im building a computer - all new parts. At one time earlier today
i had it running and i was in setup. I soon fell asleep and woke up to
a blank screen with the computer still on. Later on there was a loud
bang no smoke though. (No idea as to what that was RIP

I am going nuts trying to guess whats next. I have a phat 19inch Benq
LCD monitor which displays quickly after powering on - "No signal".
I obviously do not have clue on how to build a computer ortherwise
mine would be working! Any help, troubleshooting guide would be
helpful....my stats:
Antec Sonata LS138 - 380 Watt
Asus P5GD1
Intel Pentium 4 - 3 GHZ, 800GHZ, 1MB L2 cache
ATI Radeonx - 300 SE, 128 MB DDR
Maxtor Hard Drive - Dimond Max +9, 200GB,
DDR RAM - 2 Kingston512, 2 Samsung512
Audiofile 2496
Benq LCD 19"
Benq DVD Writer