To whom it may concern,
Whenever I go to any web site, some of the stuff doesn't
load. For instance: if I go to msn.com, you're supposed
to see the "search button" next to the search field- but
I don't. It's like a little red "X," and if I click
on "Show Picture" nothing happens. So, there's something
wrong! And I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS!!! Help me! Another
example is when I go to hotmail.com, next to where you
type your e-mail, it's supposed to be like an ad or
something (on the left side), and again- it's not showing
anything, just the "X."
I don't have any spyware- anymore. And I thought that
might've fixed it, but it didn't. I deleted the history,
files, cookies, etc, and no luck yet. If you have an
ideas, I would REALLY appreciate it.
Thank you,
(Windows XP Home Edition)
Whenever I go to any web site, some of the stuff doesn't
load. For instance: if I go to msn.com, you're supposed
to see the "search button" next to the search field- but
I don't. It's like a little red "X," and if I click
on "Show Picture" nothing happens. So, there's something
wrong! And I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS!!! Help me! Another
example is when I go to hotmail.com, next to where you
type your e-mail, it's supposed to be like an ad or
something (on the left side), and again- it's not showing
anything, just the "X."
I don't have any spyware- anymore. And I thought that
might've fixed it, but it didn't. I deleted the history,
files, cookies, etc, and no luck yet. If you have an
ideas, I would REALLY appreciate it.
Thank you,
(Windows XP Home Edition)