my computer crashes and send a report to m/s ,m/s says
its a driver but dont tell me which driver? iv updated
all drivers since ie graphics/sound/modem but still
crashes im running xp home with all m/s updates asus
deluxe mobo amdxp2600 512 dd400 80gb 7200 harddrive
geforce4 440 g/card audigy sound card alcatel adsl modem
please help p.s mostly crashes when playing games but
its even crashed during a screen saver starting to hav
dounts on xp thinking of changing o/s to me many thx
its a driver but dont tell me which driver? iv updated
all drivers since ie graphics/sound/modem but still
crashes im running xp home with all m/s updates asus
deluxe mobo amdxp2600 512 dd400 80gb 7200 harddrive
geforce4 440 g/card audigy sound card alcatel adsl modem
please help p.s mostly crashes when playing games but
its even crashed during a screen saver starting to hav
dounts on xp thinking of changing o/s to me many thx