HELP PLEASE! Error message is displayed when I click on URLs in em


Terri in Tampa

I am recewiving the following Outlook error message whenever I attempt to
click on a URL sent to me in an email:

This operation has beencanceled due to restrictions on your computer.

I have not changed ANYTHING and certainly would not change this funtion. ALL
was working well last night, but this morning I started receiving this error
immediately. There were automatic updates made by microsoft last night, and I
am very concenred something BROKE. I have spent the entire day since 6 am
this morning trying to fix this with Microsoft.. but they will not help me
unless I pay for their help with my credit card.

I have VISTA Business, Office 2007 and IE8 on my computer.


Terri in Tampa said:
I am recewiving the following Outlook error message whenever I attempt to
click on a URL sent to me in an email:

This operation has beencanceled due to restrictions on your computer.

I have not changed ANYTHING and certainly would not change this funtion.
was working well last night, but this morning I started receiving this
immediately. There were automatic updates made by microsoft last night,
and I
am very concenred something BROKE. I have spent the entire day since 6 am
this morning trying to fix this with Microsoft.. but they will not help me
unless I pay for their help with my credit card.

I have VISTA Business, Office 2007 and IE8 on my computer.

Posting in this .NET programming discussion group is unlikely to get you the
help you need. As you appear to have an Outlook issue, try this to find a
good Outlook discussion group:

As you appear to be using a web interface, try this to find an appropriate

In the tree on the left, open English, then open Office and Desktop
Applications. In Office and Desktop Applications, find
and open the subcategory for Outlook, and find a group there for your post.

Gregory A. Beamer

I am recewiving the following Outlook error message whenever I attempt
to click on a URL sent to me in an email:

This operation has beencanceled due to restrictions on your computer.

I have not changed ANYTHING and certainly would not change this
funtion. ALL was working well last night, but this morning I started
receiving this error immediately. There were automatic updates made by
microsoft last night, and I am very concenred something BROKE. I have
spent the entire day since 6 am this morning trying to fix this with
Microsoft.. but they will not help me unless I pay for their help with
my credit card.

I have VISTA Business, Office 2007 and IE8 on my computer.

Tools -> Trust Center

Be careful what you trust, as you can end up with links to viruses and
worms. That is why it is set that way.

As for the "I have not changed ANYTHING", you did, but did not realize
it. You most likely install a patch from Microsoft (perhaps using
automatic updates) that patched Outlook security for you. Yes, it may be
annoying, but after watching users propagate viruses from links, it is
probably a good thing.

BTW: At one time, Yahoo links led to virii. Yahoo caught it (it was
their advertisers), and has put security in place to stop it from
happening again, but it should show you to carefully make sure you trust
the source and the link before clicking. And I mean trust both the
source (your friend) and the link (reputable site) before clicking.

Gregory A. Beamer

Twitter: @gbworld

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