Help please cpu usage 100%

Jul 29, 2005
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Hi, hope someone can help me. I have just purchased spyware doctor and it has been going ok untill yesterday when i noticed that it is using 98% of my cpu usage. I noticed this in task manager, it said under processes sw doctor - 98. My computer has been very slow since and i have noticed that my activity sent received on the small 2computers logo on the toolbar is reaching 300 000 000. This dosent sound too good. Can anyone help please.
p.s. dont know too much bout computers


Have seen something similar with WebRoot's Spy Sweeper, although it didn't transfer anywhere near that amount of data, it was more concerned with the levels of local CPU processing.

Is that figure related to the SEND or RECEIVE values?

Just one other thought. If you disconnect from your ISP (physically pull the plug!) does the CPU usage decrease at all?

Let me know how you get on.
I've recently read several posts about spyware doctor using more than it's fair share of the cpu.
Most say spyware doctor is the problem and some consider it to be malware.
ladypcer said:
I've recently read several posts about spyware doctor using more than it's fair share of the cpu.
Most say spyware doctor is the problem and some consider it to be malware.
A problem yes, and I for one would not 'pay' for it when there are other free alternatives. ;)

It does seem to have more "false positives" than some of the others, which tend to goad you into purchasing it ... this is considered to be malpractice ... in spyware DR defence, I cannot find it on any reputable 'rouge list' yet.

Again, I would not purchase it myself ... I have great respect for Microsoft Anti-Spyware & SpySweeper ... MSAS is free, SS has a free 'trial' but if you will have to purchase a subscription to get updates. It will update free on your first try-out though.

mucks. :cool:
Try SpySweeper

Try Downloading and installing SpySweeper from Webroot. Following is the link for SpySweeper. ... try to d/l and install a Trial Version of SpySweeper. Its an award winning software. I would also advice you to uninstall Spyware Doctor. The trial version of SpySweeper is for 14 days after which you will be prompted to upgrade the subscription. Also for your reference you can go thru the screenshots for SpySweeper ... I am sure that if u have SpySweeper on your system then u would not require a Spyware Doctor or any other similar program. SPYSWEEPER is the Best ... Try it and do post the feedback ...
Hi, thanks for your answers. I currently have Spy sweeper
Microsoft beta
Spy Doctor

maybe too much running but it seems to have fixed i'ts self. However the sent recieved items in the box is now running up int the BILLIONS! Computer seems really slow as well, even when nothin is runnin web pages take an eternity to open.
lions67 said:
Hi, thanks for your answers. I currently have Spy sweeper
Microsoft beta
Spy Doctor

maybe too much running but it seems to have fixed i'ts self. However the sent recieved items in the box is now running up int the BILLIONS! Computer seems really slow as well, even when nothin is runnin web pages take an eternity to open.
Glad to hear you got it sorted. Did you manage to get the other issues resolved as well?
Close down SpySweeper & Spy Dr ... you don't need them running as MSAS will stop the big nasties for you.

Install SpywareBlaster ... it is a simple program that will 'block' known unwanted intrusions ... you only need to check for updates once in a while and enable all protection, and that's it.

Look at your taskbar by the clock ... anything down there is a running program, do you really need them? ... if not stop them loading. All that is 'needed' is your AV program.

Go to your "start-up" folder, sorry ... start/all programs/startup ... and remove everything from it, you don't need them, unless it is something like FaD ;) you'll find them in 'all program list' anyway.

There are a lot more ways to 'speed' up Windows ... but don't go messing with 'services', you'll just waist your time and may break something.

I like MS Anti-Spy.
At first I thought this isnt helping me much but I changed my mind.
Most programs that watch for changes in the registry are junk but I havent had any problems with the MSAS watch dog.
I think it will just get better as time goes on.

Most spyblockers that run in the background take too much resorces. I think 100% is excessive why would someone write code that does that.
My PC is set up like how muckshifter is suggesting.

Spybots teacup gets in the way of MSAS so I turn off the teacup. I think SB teacup should be off by default. Ya only need one runnin.
can any one tell me what i should have in my toolbar/ startup programs. dont want to remove anything vital.

lions67 said:
can any one tell me what i should have in my toolbar/ startup programs. dont want to remove anything vital.

For toolbar/taskbar, an antivirus icon ... nothing else is 'vital' ... for 'Startup Programs', nothing. (unless you join our FaD team :D )

What do you have on/in them anyway?

toolbar = dsl arrows
Trojan hunter guard
Local Area Connection - a network cable is unplugged
HP digital imaging monitor
BT Broadband ( 2 computer things)
Windows Messanger - not signed in
Spyware doctor
Safely remove hardware


in start/allprograms/ startup it says Adobe gamma and Hp Digital imaging monitor????
Local Area Connection - a network cable is unplugged
Don't ya hate that? I always go in and disable the offender.

I have to ask, why not use msconfig ?
Well, for a start you can simply delete "Adobe gamma and Hp Digital imaging monitor" they are in their respected folders anyway and are not needed. You won't miss them. Anything that goes in there can be deleted quite safely ;)

Safely remove hardware & Norton ... leave them as they are.
Local Area Connection will require some knowledge of your BIOS ... I would leave it alone also. ;)
Spyware doctor need only be 'run' once a week, personally I would uninstall it.
Trojan hunter is a good tool, but again, not really needed but for an odd scan.

Your BT & DSL arrows are eye candy they can be "setup" not to show ... you will have to learn how, but you can leave them if you wish.

Hp Digital imaging monitor will not be seen in the taskbar when removed from the StartUp.

All in all not as bad as I was expecting. :D
Sorry, ms config?? How do i disable that lan connection thing. sorry i aint a genius wi computers.
ladypcer said:
Don't ya hate that? I always go in and disable the offender.

I have to ask, why not use msconfig ?
MSConfig should ONLY be used as a diagnostic tool and NOT to disable programs from loading.

Learn how your program works and why IT deems it necessary to load ... Windows Messenger is a prime example. I missed that one. :D

In Windows Messanger you can tell it to NOT load when windows starts up ... seek and ye shall find. ;)
lions67 said:
Sorry, ms config?? How do i disable that lan connection thing. sorry i aint a genius wi computers.
Leave it ... ;)
ladypcer said:

sheesh - no comment
Sorry, but you know how blunt I can be. :o

... MSConfig really should only be used as a 'tool' to diagnose what a problem may be ... using it to 'disable' some programs as a permanent solution is more apt to cause you more headaches.

I think ya can allways go back and turn on a process if ya need.
msconfig dosent give much info about running processes.

Ya might want to try Startup Inspector it give more info about what the process is.

Freeware again.