Help Please Again.



some of you may remember I wrote in about three weeks.
My computer would not recognize Windows and I did not have the Windows XP 2P
Home Disc.
I had the tech come in and fix the computer In the meantime I had the
company I bought the computer from make me a disc. Now three weeks to the
day the same thing is happening. I did put the disc in and it recognizes it
and it gives me three choices and one is R for Recovery or Repair.
I typed in R and a lot of stuff came up I did not know what to do so I
typed in EXIT.
Can you someone please walk me through the steps once I insert the disc.
Thank you for any assistance you can provide.


Unless you were dancing naked on the coffee table, it is unlikely that
anyone remembers you from among the hundreds of posts that people look at in
any given week.

So: Help us help you. Provide details as to what has happened to your
1. What symptoms are you experiencing?
2. What, word for word, are any / all error messages?
Writing that "..a lot of stuff came up..." tells us exactly nothing.
Remember that we are not sitting there with you -- we have no way of knowing
if what came up was the river, the sewer, a wedding...
3. What type of Windows XP CD do you have?
3a. Is it Retail?
3b. Is it OEM?
3c. If it is OEM, is it a full Win XP disk, or is a "Restore" disk?
3d. If it is OEM, what brand and model is your computer?


Stan Brown

In the meantime I had the
company I bought the computer from make me a disc. Now three weeks to the
day the same thing is happening. I did put the disc in and it recognizes it
and it gives me three choices and one is R for Recovery or Repair.
I typed in R and a lot of stuff came up I did not know what to do so I
typed in EXIT.
Can you someone please walk me through the steps once I insert the disc.

This is like asking "is it plugged in?" but why don't you ask the
company that provided the computer and the disc? They know what's on
it and how it's supposed to work; at best we can only guess.


Okay,I will try to explain as best as I can.
When I boot up the computer the Windows XP Logo comes on.
Then the screen comes up telling me that Windows did not start properly.
It then gives me three choices,Safe Mode,Safe Mod With Networking or Last
Known Good Configuration.
When I click on the last one it just goes back to the same screen again
telling me Windows did not start properly. I have the originial disc that
came with the computer. When the same thing happened two weeks ago I had
called the comany where I bought the computer and asked them to give me a
disc with Windows XP SP 2 on it as the originial disc only had Windows XP SP
1 A on it. They gave me a disc and all it says on the front is Windows XP SP
2 Home.When I insert this disc that the company made for me different things
come on the screen IE Chkdsk Logon etc. I just need to know when I inserted
the disc what I would type in so that I could repair. Sorry if I did not
explain all of this properly.
I have managed to figure out what I type in when I insert the disc.
The disc loads files, set up starting windows, welcome to setup.
It gives 1st choice as to set up windows xp press enter or 2 to repair xp
instalation using Recovery console press R 3 to quit setup press F3.
I pressed R and it asked which windows instalation would you to to log onto?
I then pressed 1 and entered.
Then it asked for the Administrator Password now I am dead in the water
because I have not idea what it is.
Thank you for you help.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Liz" <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers
Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2006 7:26 AM
Subject: Help Please Again.

some of you may remember I wrote in about three weeks.
My computer would not recognize Windows and I did not have the Windows XP 2P
Home Disc.
I had the tech come in and fix the computer In the meantime I had the
company I bought the computer from make me a disc. Now three weeks to the
day the same thing is happening. I did put the disc in and it recognizes it
and it gives me three choices and one is R for Recovery or Repair.
I typed in R and a lot of stuff came up I did not know what to do so I
typed in EXIT.
Can you someone please walk me through the steps once I insert the disc.
Thank you for any assistance you can provide.


If you have never entered an admin password just TAB thru the little box.
You're doing quite well in trying to solve this problem


thank you Peter,
that took me to the the next stage. Then a lot of commands come up like
cchdsk, format, logon,I can't remember them all but there is a lot. It tells
you if you want help then type help command-name. I tried that but that did
not do anything at all. I am afraid I will have to have the Tech come in and
take a look. As I sure do not want to Format and since this is over my head
I do not know what I should be typing in there.


Actually you entered Repair too soon.
When you get the 3 choices you need to pick "setup" .Its been awhile since
I've done this and am trying to remember.
I do know that you go into the install process where it will see your
present install of XP at which point it will give you the option to repair
or new install.At that point you pick repair and XP will set all files back
to whats on the CD.
Security updates will need to be reloaded from the update website.
come on one more try at it!!


I think this will explain a lot and give you step by step instructions in the
"R" option


Thank you Peter very much for you instructions.
I will give it one more try later today.
Failing that then I will take it back to where I bought it as I think I know
enough to know this should not be happening at least not twice in two weeks.
Thank you once again for your assistance it has been much appreciated.

Michael Stevens

Liz said:
Thank you Peter very much for you instructions.
I will give it one more try later today.
Failing that then I will take it back to where I bought it as I think
I know enough to know this should not be happening at least not twice
in two weeks. Thank you once again for your assistance it has been
much appreciated.

Reply to the actual message, not to yourself.
Also have a look at my web site, I think there are several links that might
be helpful to your problems.
Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.


thank you Michael,
I have taken my computer in to be looked at.
I have saved the site that you sent.
Sorry if I did something wrong while sending in my question.
When you say reply to the newsgroup did you mean start a new message?
Thank you.

Michael Stevens

Liz said:
thank you Michael,
I have taken my computer in to be looked at.
I have saved the site that you sent.
Sorry if I did something wrong while sending in my question.
When you say reply to the newsgroup did you mean start a new message?
Thank you.
Liz, no you want to reply to the actual message just as you just did, not
your original post as you were doing. You want to create a logical flow of
information by continuining the thread.

Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.

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