Windows XP Help! PC is Acting Really Weird!

Mar 3, 2014
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Hi! I'm having an issue with my XP. It started Saturday. I was listening to music on my PC when it started to stutter. None of my songs would play! Windows gave me an error message implying that somethings wrong with my sound card/device. I had no audio - even on the internet. YouTube videos wouldn't even play! Then, suddenly my taskbar turned to that "classic windows" theme and multiple of those yellow "Updates are ready!" icons popped up on the taskbar, one after another. I then rebooted my PC and every thing was normal. But last night my "start click" sounded like the "navigation click." Even after rebooting my computer, it still sounded the same. Just as a reminder, AntiVirus did not detect anything during this behavior)I called Microsoft for help. They told me to do a system restore. I did and everything's back to normal. But what caused these problems in the first place? Microsoft wanted to charge me $100 for the advanced scan. But from their advice, they said it's probably an underlying virus and I need to upgrade my antivirus, and not hackers or aging errors. But for some reason - I disagree. I've been through thick and thin with plenty of viruses and never experienced this issue before.

As a side note I've been lately getting these pesky little bugs on the internet:
"Virus or unwanted program 'HTML/ExpKit.Gen3 [virus]'
detected in file 'C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\1RNNPHS2\sh150[1].html".

Most of the time AntiVirus can't delete them and I have to just empy out my Temporary Internet Files.

So what do you think is wrong? Aging errors? Hackers? An underlying virus? Or something else?

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Almost certainly a virus. Which AV software are you running?

Whatever it is, try a different one, one of the free ones (MSE; AVG; Avast; Antivir) and also install and run Malwarebytes (free anti-malware software).

Don't pay Microsoft anything.
I'm running AntiVir PE Classic - yes it's out of date, but still works. And AVG is my IE's main browser. Ever since I got a virus from automatic updates(MRT.exe) - which was a pain to get rid of, I just don't trust downloading anti virus products and other programs online anymore. So I buy them from stores(not off of sites, I mean walk right into Radio Shack or another area that sells them). What's Norton like? Found it to be the cheapest in the store, or should I rather consider on Avast instead?

I never heard of Malwarebytes - can you link me to the official site to download? Does this program also detect hackers and aging related errors(6 year old maxtor here)? Sorry about my paranoia, I just feel like I'm a prisoner in my own computer. lol
Right, one thing at a time.

Any AV software out of date will not work, simple as that. Viruses and Malware are being written every day and AV software's databases need to be updated every day to combat them or they are virtually worthless.

If you don't trust downloading software programs you may as well just give up right now. So what do you do when you pay money for something you can get for free then? Get your updates by disk through the post? Or download them?

You can trust free downloads, we have a section here with a whole stack of links to free software, including Malwarebytes, it's in the Forum 'General Software' section as a forum sticky.

Norton is an overpriced, overbloated load of old rubbish.

To sort of repeat, all anti-virus and anti-malware software needs to be updated daily you can't just buy some AV software and expect it to work without constantly updating it.

Also, it is advisable, in fact almost compulsory, that you only run one piece of anti-virus software on one machine, though running an AV and an Anti-Malware program together is quite ok.

Summary: You DO NOT need to pay for protection software but YOU DO need to constantly update it.

By downloading :)
Thanks! Wow! It's only been 30 minutes and it's detected 17 objects! But can I ask, why is my computer not bleeping? When ever AntiVir detects a virus my computer bleeps(an actually bleep from inside the power supply.). I just want to make sure what's going on and all is ok.
Cool program! Thank you very very much! It found 101 objects. There were 2 Trogan.Agents, the rest were PUPs from a program called "pricegong" - I don't even remember installing and I wouldn't do it even if offered. I wish I knew the dates these bugs were inplanted. I still want to know what's responsible for the issues I had on my computer earlier. Surprised Spybot didn't detect those PUPs, it detected BearShare(a program I did install, but years later of using it, comcast calls me, warning me about P2P products suddenly being "illegal" and I had to deleted it.)

Unfortuantly there are 2 new issues - another issue regarding click-sounds again. The navigation click(click on the internet) sounds like it's been replaced with the XP start click(didn't realize till last night)! What could be wrong! I tried to do another system restore but windows said it could not be restored. Why can't I restore it again?
It seems as if a multitude of nasties - assorted Malware and one or more viruses most likely - have fubared your operating system.

I'm assuming you've run Malwarebytes but have you ran an up to date Anti-Virus program?
Format the machine and start again imo.
I just remembered my dad has an updated version of Avira on disk, but I need to wait till he gets home from work as I don't know where he keeps it and I dare not touch the man cave! Thanks for MWB again. I wish I knew about it before. Upmost respect for this forum!

I also just read that changing your desktop settings may play different system sounds, like the click. When I was snooping around my PC after my taskbar was suddenly changed on Saturday , I wanted to know more about it and came across the display settings. Even though frustrated, I thought the silver windows Xp was pretty and set my computer to it. But I turned it back, it was too bright(I prefer dark colors). Do you think this is why my click sound changed?
Different desktop setting do also have different sounds to accompany them yes. This may well be your issue

I would also suggest restarting your PC in safe mode (tap F8 key while booting)
If you get the option select minimum boot. This will only load absolute minimum system files to allow boot into an operating system

This will allow you to do a more secure malware sweep

Make sure your malware is completely upto date before doing it

You can also use a free program called CCleaner to clean out internet temp files and obsolete registry files. Maybe another thread?
I haven't really read the whole thread, but if your PC is as riddled as it seems yes. Format and reinstall whatever version of windows you have.

Nothing wrong with Win 8 if you set it up properly. ;)
One thing I really really want to know right now - could I be hacked and there's someone controlling my PC? Cause if I am I need to contact authorities. All I need is someone trying to break into my bank account. That has happened to my parents before but a different method(they bought something off the internet and the owner stole their card number). We went completely broke. Luckly we got a hold of the filthy bastard and got our money back - and more. lol
Breaking into computers and websites to steal money is very popular and frequent today!
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