Help! OnClick event in VScrollBar in .Net Compact Framework

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cornel Gligan
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Cornel Gligan


I tried to catch the Click event from a VScrollBar control but the Click
event is not rised. MSDN says that OnClick event is suported by .Net Compact
Framework and, in this case, I supose that the click event sould be rised bu

In this case I derived a class from VScrollBar and I overrided the OnClick
protected method. I failed again because the overrided OnClick method is
never called.

I derived another class from Control and I overrided again the OnClick
method. In this case the overrided OnClick method was called.

Please, there is anybody who can tell me what is happening with OnClick
method and Click event for VScrollBar control? And what should I do to catch
the Click event for VScrollBar? Or what should I do to make it work OnClick
overrided method in a derived class from VScrollBar?

I use Windows XP Professional, Visual C# fromVisual Studio 2005 Professional
Edition, .Net Compact Framework 1.0 or 1.1

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,
Cornel Gligan
It is not supported regardless of what you read on msdn. Documentation and
intellisense are not always great for CF v1.0 (there is no v1.1):

The real question is, why do you feel you need to handle that? What is your
end user scenario and we might be able to help with a workaround.

I don't know which group you actually posted from but please respond to
compactframework *only* if you need to follow up.

It's about a document viewer something as Acrobat Reader. I want to know
when are clicked the arrows, or when is dragged the scroll box - when click
the arrows I need the document moving with small step but when drag the
scroll box I need the document not moving but showing in a tool tip the page
navigation and the document will be displayed only when the scroll box will
be released. In fact I need the Scroll event but this event is not suported
by CF. In this case it will be good at least a Click event.

I know that I could implement my own scroll bar but I have no time for this,
and I hoped that the CF ScrollBar could help me. But it couldn't.

Anyway, I am wondering why the OnClick is available for Control class and
it's working and is not available for ScrollBar?

I search on the internet for a custom scroll bar but I didn't find any
scroll bar written for CF.

Any ideeas or suggestions will be wellcome.

Best regards,
Cornel Gligan
No immediate workarounds come to mind. Sounds like you need a custom
control. If it was my app, I'd use the scrollbar (Large, Small, Value) with
the functionality it provides out of the box and drop the "tooltip"
requirement. If the requirement came from someone else, I'd quickly knock up
the solution, show them that it works after a few minutes effort and explain
that if they want the tooltip feature they'll have to invest X number of my
days _or_ X number of $ for someone else's days.

Ok. Thanks a lot!

Best regards,
Cornel Gligan

Daniel Moth said:
No immediate workarounds come to mind. Sounds like you need a custom
control. If it was my app, I'd use the scrollbar (Large, Small, Value)
with the functionality it provides out of the box and drop the "tooltip"
requirement. If the requirement came from someone else, I'd quickly knock
up the solution, show them that it works after a few minutes effort and
explain that if they want the tooltip feature they'll have to invest X
number of my days _or_ X number of $ for someone else's days.
