Help on systray app




Im quite new to c# windows application.

i need to write a application which stays on the systray and listens to the
SQL Table. (when the value is inserted as 0 - done thru Dataset and check it
every2 seconds?) i need to open another application thru command prompt and
pass the parametes of the DB and alert the user.

how this can be done?

any links? sample app?

anyhelp in this regard is much appreciated.


Ignacio Machin \( .NET/ C# MVP \)


Where is your problem located?

You put an app inthe systray by using NotifyIcon
You check your DB by using a Timer & SqlClient's classes.
You run an app using Process.Start
You can alert the user using several differents methods.



Thanks for your reply

Actually i managed to wtire a applicaiton which minimizes to systray and its
working fine.

and i have a dataset and i want to check the tables for every 2 seconds so
that when some data (realtime) comes with the valie 0 or less than 0. i need
to get the entire row of the data and pass it as a parameter to the other
application (from command prompt?)

let me know you hows this can be done? and any sample app?

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