I want to work with multiple excel workbooks en worksheets using a
stand alone VB6 application.
1. First I open and close the workbooks and populate a listbox with
2. Then I select some sheets and fill an Array. (This array contains
sheetnames from different workbooks)
3. The last step is to open and close the workbooks again and loop
(For Each) through the sheets to get the information I need using the
above mentioned array.
The only problem is that I receive an "Subscript out of Range" error.
This error occurs because I'm attempting tot access a worksheet that
doesn't exist in a particular workbook.
So I used "On error Resume next" and "On error Goto 0" trying to skip
the Sheet that doesn't exist in one workbook and go to the next sheet.
Unfortunately with no results sofar. (either is does nothing at all or
I receive the subscipt out of Range error )
1) Can anyone point me in the right direction ?
Help is appreciated.
I want to work with multiple excel workbooks en worksheets using a
stand alone VB6 application.
1. First I open and close the workbooks and populate a listbox with
2. Then I select some sheets and fill an Array. (This array contains
sheetnames from different workbooks)
3. The last step is to open and close the workbooks again and loop
(For Each) through the sheets to get the information I need using the
above mentioned array.
The only problem is that I receive an "Subscript out of Range" error.
This error occurs because I'm attempting tot access a worksheet that
doesn't exist in a particular workbook.
So I used "On error Resume next" and "On error Goto 0" trying to skip
the Sheet that doesn't exist in one workbook and go to the next sheet.
Unfortunately with no results sofar. (either is does nothing at all or
I receive the subscipt out of Range error )
1) Can anyone point me in the right direction ?
Help is appreciated.