I have an ACCESS data base which records the software
engineering classes taught by our software engineers -
recording the number of hours in each type of class
taught. I add engineers as they are hired (vertical
column) and classes as they are added and taught
(horizontal row)
My ACCESS data base looks as follows
Name Hazards Development Validation
(# hrs) (# hrs) (# hrs)
Joe 3 0 1
John 2 3 0
Jim 2 2 2
I would like to generate a report for an end of year
summary that lists each engineer and the number of hours
of each type of class taught.
I also cannot figure out how to generate a report that
looks like the following:
Hazards 3
Validation 1
Hazards 2
Software Developmnet 3
Hazards 2
Software Development 2
Validation 2
Thanks for any help you can provide,
engineering classes taught by our software engineers -
recording the number of hours in each type of class
taught. I add engineers as they are hired (vertical
column) and classes as they are added and taught
(horizontal row)
My ACCESS data base looks as follows
Name Hazards Development Validation
(# hrs) (# hrs) (# hrs)
Joe 3 0 1
John 2 3 0
Jim 2 2 2
I would like to generate a report for an end of year
summary that lists each engineer and the number of hours
of each type of class taught.
I also cannot figure out how to generate a report that
looks like the following:
Hazards 3
Validation 1
Hazards 2
Software Developmnet 3
Hazards 2
Software Development 2
Validation 2
Thanks for any help you can provide,