I have done some research on the following but still not clear as what
mechanism is preferable
In a VB.NET environment, I will have two applications.
Application (A) will do some windows/database stuff which results in a value
being "returned"
Application (B) contains a text field and a button which opens application
Application (B) calls Application (A) and (A) goes modal
Application (A) does some work and when I Close (A) it "returns" a
value: Ret_A
Application (B) reads the value Ret_A
I looked at MSMQ which seems "heavy" to run on client XP's just for
I looked at stdio which (A) could open and (B) could read but I do not
want a console window to open but could work if the console window was
invisible ...
I looked at remoting but both application will be running on the same
computer, so remoting seems overkill
I looked at the SendMessage() API but most examples I see are for vb 6.0
I looked at (A) writing to registry and (B) reading from registry on a
separate thread using a timer process (every second) but that does not seem
to have any integrity - it is just a third party mail drop and could get
I would appreciate your opinion
I have done some research on the following but still not clear as what
mechanism is preferable
In a VB.NET environment, I will have two applications.
Application (A) will do some windows/database stuff which results in a value
being "returned"
Application (B) contains a text field and a button which opens application
Application (B) calls Application (A) and (A) goes modal
Application (A) does some work and when I Close (A) it "returns" a
value: Ret_A
Application (B) reads the value Ret_A
I looked at MSMQ which seems "heavy" to run on client XP's just for
I looked at stdio which (A) could open and (B) could read but I do not
want a console window to open but could work if the console window was
invisible ...
I looked at remoting but both application will be running on the same
computer, so remoting seems overkill
I looked at the SendMessage() API but most examples I see are for vb 6.0
I looked at (A) writing to registry and (B) reading from registry on a
separate thread using a timer process (every second) but that does not seem
to have any integrity - it is just a third party mail drop and could get
I would appreciate your opinion