Help on conversion

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Help on formula


In Column-A there is a list of numbers with hyphen i.e.:

How can this list of numbers covert into following format in Column-B?

In other words of explanation is that I want to keep this format
95818-125199 in Column-A, but to change the format into 95818-1251-99 in
Column-B. Please help me with Formula or Macro so each time when I enter
95818-125199 in Column-A it can convert automatically in the format of
95818-1251-99 in Column-B. I thank you in advance.
In cell B1 try something like...

=LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-2) & "-" & RIGHT(A1,2)

copy it down the column as you need, if you don't want to see #VALUE errors
for rows with no value in column A, simply add a condition check for the cell
in the A column, perhaps like this...

=IF(A1<>0,LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-2) & "-" & RIGHT(A1,2),0)
Assuming all your numbers are 13 characters long, try this formula...


If you will have empty cells in column A, the use this version...

Thank you very much from the deepest of my hart!
Mr. Peter and Mr. Rothstein your formula feed-back works great; Thank again