I've made an application in VB 6.0. From this I do the following:
Open specific Excel-file
Automatically insert data into the now open Excel, based on values in
the VB-application.
Cut all bonds to the Excel-application, but leave it open for further
work and saving.
It should be possible to close the Excel file doing the above several
This is what I use to open:
---code begin
Dim xlo As excel.Application
Dim xloW As excel.Workbook
Dim myCount As Integer, x As Integer, NewMeasure As Integer
Dim isEven As Boolean
If xlo Is Nothing Then
Set xlo = New excel.Application
Set xlo = excel.Application
End If
Set xloW = xlo.Workbooks.Open("u:\excel\kontrolkort.xls")
xloW.Application.Visible = True
---code end
Currently I have a "Set xlo = Nothing" at the end. But if I close
Excel, Excel is not visible but I can see it as a running process. If
I attempt to open it again through my VB-app it errors.
Am I approacihing it wrongly?
Regards /Snedker
Open specific Excel-file
Automatically insert data into the now open Excel, based on values in
the VB-application.
Cut all bonds to the Excel-application, but leave it open for further
work and saving.
It should be possible to close the Excel file doing the above several
This is what I use to open:
---code begin
Dim xlo As excel.Application
Dim xloW As excel.Workbook
Dim myCount As Integer, x As Integer, NewMeasure As Integer
Dim isEven As Boolean
If xlo Is Nothing Then
Set xlo = New excel.Application
Set xlo = excel.Application
End If
Set xloW = xlo.Workbooks.Open("u:\excel\kontrolkort.xls")
xloW.Application.Visible = True
---code end
Currently I have a "Set xlo = Nothing" at the end. But if I close
Excel, Excel is not visible but I can see it as a running process. If
I attempt to open it again through my VB-app it errors.
Am I approacihing it wrongly?
Regards /Snedker